Sleep is crucial to the physical and mental health of an individual. Sleep is defined in two states based on physiological and behavioral criteria; Non-rapid eye movement and rapid eye movement.

The Circadian rhythm of sleep-wakefulness is always controlled by a master clock located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus. Significant changes happen in body organs and systems during sleep. This results from functional alterations in the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. Melatonin is an endogenous hormone produced by the pineal gland and released at night. Melatonin synchronizes the circadian rhythms, which helps improve the onset, quality, and duration of sleep. This hormone is mainly involved in circadian rhythm maintenance, antioxidation, neuronal survival, and sleep regulation. 

Melatonin Deficiency

Melatonin peak has been observed to decrease with age advancement though individuals have great variability. These changes are witnessed because of age-related degradation of neuronal transmission to the pineal or deterioration of the circadian pacemaker.  Sometimes this decrease in melatonin levels can be associated with some diseases. These include metabolic and neurological conditions like general insulin resistance, severe pain, and migraines. 

Various protocols have been developed to test for melatonin deficiency. One study that stands out is one by Jan, et al. (2009)., which showed that melatonin deficiency can be treated in order to eradicate sleep disorders. Some therapies are applicable at home. Most of the signs and symptoms of melatonin deficiency are majorly associated with sleep and fatigue. Typically, these consequences could be; chronic exhaustion, concentration issues including brain fog, and daytime tiredness. To avoid deficiencies, you can live a conscious, balanced, and very healthy lifestyle that supports a relaxed relationship between stress and life. Sleep hygiene practices reducing chances of Melatonin deficiency include avoiding artificial light after sunset, cleaning bedding, and having a regular bedtime.

Sleep Disorders and Melatonin

Sleep disorders are a broad category of defects surrounding all dysfunctions involving sleep, including poor sleep quality, parasomnias, early waking, difficulty falling asleep at night, circadian rhythm disorders, sleep-related breathing disorders (SBDs), and sleep-related movement disorders. In most cases, people with sleep disorders report an inability to fulfill daily responsibilities and tasks involving learning, memory, mathematical operations, and logical reasoning.

Mechanically, Melatonin produced by the pineal glands increases approximately two hours before the beginning of natural sleep and reaches its peak about five hours later. Melatonin affects specific aspects of the architecture of sleep. This helps to improve the quality of sleep. Mistimed or, in some cases, low melatonin production is associated with intermittent or chronic disturbance of sleep duration or onset. Melatonin can help to restore sleep patterns and realign the sleep wake-up cycle.

Melatonin hormone is increasingly used in the treatment of sleeping disorders. Researchers have taken interest increasingly in the external sources of this sleep hormone because of its ability to address the difficulties associated with sleep. The external sources come in capsule and liquid forms. Exogenous Melatonin may not be beneficial to everyone in terms of improving sleep. It is therefore essential to consider its potential downsides and benefits. If you intend to supplement Melatonin, it is vital to be aware of the dosage and quality of the supplement.

Before considering melatonin supplementation, people should first try improving their sleep hygiene, including sleep routine and environment. Talking to your doctor before beginning the use of Melatonin is very instrumental in diagnosing the underlying sleep disorder. Although experts have regarded extremely high doses as hazardous, there is no harmony on the optimal dose for Melatonin. The experts advise that you start with the lowest dosage ever. Factors that affect dosing include but are not limited to the user’s age and the sleep disorder experienced by an individual.

Other Benefits of Melatonin


Tomás‐Zapico, & Coto‐Montes. (2005)showed that this hormone plays a chief role in many of the body’s physiological processes, such as transducing signals, regulatingvascular tone, producing erythropoietin, and controlling ventilation. It is an active radical scavenger and can remove the free radicals directly in the system to help keep an upright physiological status. This hormone also helps in the activation of other antioxidants in the body. This is the protective action of Melatonin.

Anti-Inflammatory Actions.

Many intrinsic and extrinsic factors can cause inflammation. Oxidative stress and inflammations experienced by the body could cause diseases. According to Mayo, et al. (2005)., Melatonin could reduce oxidative stress, as stated above. It can also fight inflammation through different pathways like signaling pathways and activation of membrane receptors.

Melatonin Supplements Have Side Effects

Melatonin, when taken orally in the appropriate doses, are generally safe. Some of the side effects that may be witnessed commonly are.


This is a possible side effect of long-term use of the ‘darkness hormone. It is one of the major side effects. As discussed earlier, an important factor causing this side effect is the dosage and use time. There is a need to determine melatonin supplementation’s long-term and long-term side effects.


When timing is poor, and dosing is not proper, Melatonin can cause daytime dizziness. People with prolonged use of melatonin report cases of dizziness. It is advised that you should not drive or take tasks that might cause injury when you are a chronic user of this hormone. These symptoms might disappear two or three weeks after stopping melatonin usage.


This side effect is reported when you begin supplementing the melatonin hormone. Other digestive issues include the most common vomiting. These effects are reduced with time. 


Melatonin is among the special hormones that act according to biological time. It primes at night. Caution should be taken when using melatonin therapy. The prolonged administration of this hormone should be restricted. The administration time should be chosen carefully based on the desired effects, and the dosages should be individualized so that a profile that copies the physiological type is achieved. The hormone should end in the dawn. 

Melatonin exists in many types of food in varying amounts from species to species. In plants, fruit exhibits the lowest amounts of Melatonin. At the same time, nuts, seeds, and some medicinal herbs are reported to have the highest Melatonin. The amount is generally associated with the environment where these crops are grown. In animal foods, eggs and fishare reported to have more Melatonin than those in meat and dairy.


Jan, J. E., Reiter, R. J., Wasdell, M. B., & Bax, M. (2009). The Role Of The Thalamus In Sleep, Pineal Melatonin Production, And Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders. Journal Of Pineal Research, 46(1), 1-7.

Mayo, J. C., Sainz,

R. M., Tan, D. X., Hardeland, R., Leon, J., Rodriguez, C., & Reiter, R. J.

(2005). Anti-Inflammatory Actions Of Melatonin And Its Metabolites, N1-Acetyl-N2-Formyl-5-Methoxykynuramine

(AFMK) And N1-Acetyl-5-Methoxykynuramine (AMK), In Macrophages. Journal Of

Neuroimmunology, 165(1-2), 139-149.

Tomás‐Zapico, C., & Coto‐Montes, A. (2005). A Proposed Mechanism To

Explain The Stimulatory Effect Of Melatonin On Antioxidative Enzymes. Journal

Of Pineal Research, 39(2), 99-104.

MS, University of Tartu
Sleep specialist

Using the acquired academic and professional experience, I advise patients with various complaints about mental health - depressed mood, nervousness, lack of energy and interest, sleep disorders, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and anxieties, difficulty concentrating, and stress. In my free time, I love to paint and go on long walks on the beach. One of my latest obsessions is sudoku – a wonderful activity to calm an unease mind.

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