Since its legalization at federal levels by the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD oil has moved from the alternative therapy world and now features just about anywhere, including in the kitchen. As such, you might have joined the CBD oil bandwagon following the cannabinoid’s popularity. Did you know that you cook with CBD oil and enjoy the final products? Here are important tips to keep in mind while  exploring CBD oil for cooking.

Keep the Heat Low and Avoid Putting CBD Oil Directly Over Heat

Like many chemical compounds, CBD oil is very sensitive to heat and will likely dissociate in the face of high temperatures. Cooking oils oxidize at high temperatures, releasing dangerous free radicals, and CBD oil is no exception. Some cannabinoids react to heat by converting to others, and when this happens, the value of the oil degrades, reducing its claimed health benefits in its potent form. As much as possible, avoid putting CBD oil directly on heat, and if you have to, keep the temperatures below 320 degrees Fahrenheit. Alternatively, use the oil as your final touch, where you will not have to put it directly over heat.

Start with Your Favorite Recipe

CBD oil is versatile, and can be used for various recipes, including a soothing coffee, some cold or warm afternoon tea, some comforting soup, whipped cream, sauteed vegetables, and baked goods. However, when you are just starting out on this regimen, explore CBD oil with your favorite dishes. Currently, there are not enough studies on how CBD oil blends with baked goods, but we have CBD oil brownies, cookies, and more, suggesting that the cannabinoid might go well with baked goods.

Keep CBD Oil Dosages Low

The FDA does not regulate the production of non-prescription CBD oil. This means that you can come across counterfeit and substandard CBD oil products, and there are no recommended dosages for taking CBD oil. As such, people who want to try any CBD oil products are advised to see a doctor beforehand, at least to learn something about how to go about CBD oil dosages. Ultimately, they are advised to keep the dosages low until they are sure about how much CBD oil the body can sustain. The same instructions apply when cooking with CBD oil- keep the dosages low, but you can always up it bit by bit until you establish what the body is comfortable with.

Work with Cooking Oils and Fats

CBD oil is fat-soluble, and working with fats when cooking with CBD oil makes the cooking experience even better. As such, mix CBD oil with butter, ghee, or margarine as you cook to increase the cannabinoid’s bioavailability. Besides, instead of mixing manually, buy CBD oil-infused cooking fats. They have the ideal amounts of CBD oil already infused in them, and you will not have to worry about CBD oil and cooking fats aside.

Keep Food Portions and Ingredients Low

Keep things low when using CBD oil for cooking, especially when trying this new regimen for the first time. As such, you will need to work with small portions for every ingredient you need to incorporate in the recipe. Ultimately, the food portions you have should also be low. However, this changes consistently as you get used to CBD oil, but keeping it low for a start is the best way to go while examining how the body responds to taking CBD oil-infused foods.

Store CBD Oil Well

Admittedly, CBD oil is more expensive in the market than other oils because it is a supplement. As such, you need to find value in your money even as you enjoy the CBD oil products and cooked foods featuring the cannabinoid. Consequently, store the CBD oil properly to have the cannabinoid in its best-quality and potent nature. It is worth noting that CBD oil has a 1- 2 year warranty, during which you can enjoy its freshness, potency and benefit from the potential health benefits. The rancid smell and flavor changes are exactly what you want to enjoy. The following CBD oil storage tips will help the CBD user;

  • Keep CBD oil away from heat since it dissociates in the presence of heat. Put away the cannabinoid and don’t leave it next to dehumidifiers, air conditioners, radiators, refrigerators, and more elements that produce direct heat, which could affect the quality of the oil.
  • Keep the cannabinoid away from light since CBD oil, like many other chemical compounds, decomposes in the presence of light. CBD oils and tinctures come in opaque bottles that protect the oil from light decomposition. Keep the oil away from windows where direct heat and light heat and light hit the oil and affect its quality.
  • Keep the CBD oil in an airtight container since it is as sensitive to air, especially oxygen, as it is with heat and light. It has a high oxygen affinity and will react with it in a process called oxidation, which degrades the CBD oil’s quality.

Take Caution with Alcohol after Consuming CBD-Infused Dishes

Depending on the type of CBD oil you use for cooking, you can add THC into the body, even in trace amounts. For instance, full-spectrum CBD oil will definitely introduce THC to the system, yet this cannabinoid causes impairment. Therefore, if you take alcohol after taking a CBD-infused meal, you will be impaired to drive.


CBD oil is no longer outlawed and is now part of the mainstream, even featured in the kitchen. When cooking with CBD oil, explore with your favorite dishes, keep temperatures low, work with other fats and oils, and keep the dosages low. Remember, CBD oil is ideal for any dish of your choice.

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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