
Different factors can make you lose sleep at night. It could be fatigue, stress, or sickness that’s preventing your brain from turning off during bedtime. Having a hard time falling asleep may be a once-in-a-while thing, but it’s a habit for some.Certain teas are known to improve sleep due to theirsleep-inducing abilities.

There are many ways of helping your body relax and unwind after a tough day. If you’ve tried different strategies with episodes of failure or if you need an additional remedy, adding tea to your night routine will help you. Some teas will help you get a deeper and better sleep. If you’ve been having sleep difficulties, these teas will help you.

How does tea help you sleep?

What determines if tea will help you sleep or not depends on what you drink and yourbody’s response to caffeine. Generally, tea is helpful during bedtime. The calming effects of your teas can help you unwind and havegreat sleep at night. Individuals who have made tea their night routine have observed thatdoing so has improved their sleeping patterns. The experience of making your tea is mindful.

Boiling the water, steeping your preferred hot tea, and the process you wait for it to be ready for drinking stimulatescalmness. It relaxes your brain, helping you recover from all the craziness you had experienced during the day. Another way tea helps you sleep faster and better is because preparation time denies you the time you’duse on social media. Scrolling in different apps is one of the greatest sleep snatchers, yet most individuals cannot stop this bad habit. Also, as much as Tiktok and other apps are interesting to watch, you’ll find yourself sleeping past midnight, and this is unhealthy. By drinking tea, you’ll have time to meditate, focus on your mental health, and sleep peacefully.

Which teas help you to sleep?

Almond milk

Almond milk has decent amounts of melatonin, tryptophan, and magnesium. These compounds are beneficial for promoting a healthy sleep cycle in humans. They’ll ensure your sleep quality is high, and you’ll sleep almost immediately you go to bed.


Milkcontains tryptophan, a certain amino acid that changes to melatonin and serotonin toimprove sleep. However, individualsintolerant to lactose or allergic to any milkmay have to avoid drinking it before bed. It’ll have opposite effects and make you not sleep.

Lavender tea

Herbal alternatives never disappoint when it comes to gaining self-care tips.Lavender acts as an anxiety reliever and proves to be a great sedative that’ll increase relaxation and calmness to bring about sleep. It works with the neurotransmitter GABA to calm the brain and nervous system and reduce anger and restlessness. It also works as a pain reliever, which means if you have pain in your body, you can still enjoy your sleep if you take lavender tea. More so, you’ll benefit from anti-bacterial benefits and stay protected from inflammation. You can apply lavender oil to let it act as aromatherapy for your sleep and relaxation. It’s the best choice for persons with insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

Chamomile tea

To prepare your chamomile tea, infuse its flowers in hot water. It’s a great drink if you want caffeine-free tea, and its earthy, unique taste will make you always want to take it before sleeping. It has an apigenin antioxidant that interacts with certain brain receptors to reduce insomnia and support quiet, slow-wave sleep.

Lemon balm tea

Lemon balm is one of the mint members which reducesstress and improves sleep. It raises gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA) in the brain and serves as a mild sedative. Its citrusandinteresting smell help your mind calm and have a better sleep quality.

Valerian tea

Some sedatives and sleep-aiding products contain valerian to assist with sleeping problems. You can buy them as tabletsfrom over the counter or make your tea at home. Drinking it regularly will positively change your sleeping pattern by reducing the time you take to sleep, improving your sleep quality, and minimizing nighttime awakenings.

Passionflower tea

Passionflower tea has a positive effect on sleep. It also helps with anxiety, allowing you to enjoy your sleep regardless of the life burden you may have. For greater results, mix it with valerian tea to get more benefits.

What drinks should you avoid at night?

While some drinks may help you fall asleep faster, some may have opposite effects. If you don’t want to stay awake the whole night, avoid the following teas;

  • Sugary drinks
  • Caffeinated teas like green tea
  • Coffee

What’s the disadvantage of drinking tea before bed?

The greatest problem of taking tea before bedtime is the effects of caffeine. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, you may have to be careful with the drinks you take before sleeping. A high intake of caffeine increases the time you’ll take to sleep. Another reason you may have to watch the amount you drink at night is the number of times you’ll have to use the bathroom to empty your bladder. Too much liquid at night will interrupt your sleep and may affect your digestive system.

What is the recommended time to drink your teas?

Timing is important when incorporating teas into your bedtime routine. Drinking immediately before you sleep may make you have nighttime awakenings to urinate. The best time to drink is 1 to 2 hours before you go to sleep.

 Howdo drinks with caffeine disrupt sleep?

Caffeine is a chemical known for promoting mental alertness. After taking this substance, it’ll take about an hour to have the effects, which will last about five hours. It can more or fewer hours, depending on your dosage intake. Green tea is the strongest caffeinated tea, and its content is almost the same as that of coffee. White and black tea has less caffeine and may not have so many effects.


Adding tea to your night routine is your personal decision. You have different types of teas to try. It’ll take series of drinking differentteas before you find which one works best for you. People are different, and each person reacts differently to caffeine and substances in teas. So, continue trying until you get the right nighttime schedule and the perfect tea that’llgive you a peaceful, slow-wave sleep.

Tatyana Dyachenko
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For the past years, Tatyana has worked as a sex blogger and a relationship advisor. She has been featured in magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue. Vice, Tatler, Vanity Fair, and many others. Since 2016, Tatyana has focused on sexology, attended various training courses, participated in international conferences and congresses. “I wish people would address sexual issues in a timely manner! Forget shyness, prejudice and feel free to see a sex doctor for help or advice!” Tanya enjoys pursuing her flare for creativity through modelling, graffiti art, astronomy, and technology.

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