Itching around the anus is a common condition that embarrasses many. However, you should not feel embarrassed because it is treatable. If you experience stool leakage or anal bleeding, then it is time to seek immediate medical care. It may also be a concern when the itching is severe or has an infection.

-Hemorhoids -Diarrhea:

Why does diarrhea cause itching?

Diarrhea has fluid bowel that carries digestive juices, which irritate your skin when coming in contact, thus causing itching.

What are causes and treatment of chronic diarrhea?

It can be caused by inflammatory bowel disease, food malabsorption irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic infections. Treatment varies with the cause. They include antidiarrheal drugs, which I do not recommend for long-term use. Corticosteroid or immunosuppressant medications may help with diarrhea caused by celiac or pancreatic diseases. Changing your diet and lifestyle, such as limiting caffeine and alcohol, eating high fiber foods, and drinking fluids to counter dehydration can eliminate chronic diarrhea.

What happens if it’s left untreated?

Not treating diarrhea can cause severe dehydration, a dangerous condition to both kids and adults, especially to those with weaker immunity.


-which ones can cause itching?

  • Genital herpes
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea

Other symptoms to look for to dx?

  • Penile discharge for trichomoniasis
  • Burning sensation around the genitals
  • Blisters around the genitals for genital herpes
  • Fever
  • Body aches

 Treatable? Consequences of not treating?

 These conditions are treatable and treatment relies on the cause. Lack of treatment can cause adverse conditions, including infertility, blindness, and child-births disorders.

Yeast infection:

How common are they and how does one get it?

It is a common condition gotten through sexual contact without a condom.

 What is treatment?

The medications include clotrimazole, fluconazole, and terconazole that are found over-the counter.

What happens if untreated?

It can result in invasive candidiasis and candidemia, which come with redness, inflammation, and itching.


How common and how to diagnose?

Pinworms in the US is the most common worm and affects one in ten people worldwide. It is diagnosed by determining the worm or its eggs, which mainly appear in sheets, underclothing, pajamas, or around the anus. A specialist collects the eggs and examines them using the tape test.

Are they just risk for children?

While pinworms mostly affect children, anybody can get them.

 How are they treated?

Pinworms are treated using mebendazole medicine- a single and chewable tablet. If it persists, a second tablet is given after three weeks.

 What happens if they aren’t treated?

If untreated, pinworms in women can cause urinary tract infection, endometriosis, and vaginitis.


Who tends to get it and how/why?

Depending on races, Caucasians have a higher risk of contracting it than Africa Americans. Research concludes that psoriasis is genetically related.

Treatment for it if in anal area?

A doctor may prescribe creams, topical lotions, oral medications, or ointments.


 how common to cause anal itching?

It is common to diabetic patients with candidiasis.

Mechanism to cause itching?

If uncontrolled, type 2 diabetes can create ground for yeast growth that causes infection.

Crystal Kadir

MS, Durham University

The work of a family doctor includes a wide range of clinical diversity, which requires extensive knowledge and erudition from a specialist. However, I believe that the most important thing for a family doctor is to be human because the cooperation and understanding between the doctor and the patient are crucial in ensuring successful health care. On my days off, I love being in nature. Since childhood, I have been passionate about playing chess and tennis. Whenever I have time off, I enjoy traveling around the world.

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