What are CBD topicals? What are some of the types of CBD topicals that an individual can access in the market? Which is the best CBD topical product? What are some of the aspects that an individual should consider to select the best topical CBD product? This article explains CBD topicals and several aspects of CBD topical products.

Most individuals believe that CBD is beneficial when taken as a tincture or tablet. On the other hand, the beauty of CBD is that it can be just as beneficial when given topically.

Whether you’re using it to treat skin conditions or applying CBD gel on painful joints, CBD acts nearly instantaneously by penetrating the skin and getting to work. It is not even necessary for it to enter your bloodstream to begin operating. CBD’s great efficacy and adaptability are remarkably close to what the human body produces naturally. When CBD is taken or administered, it does not exert an external influence on the body but rather assists the body in healing more efficiently.

What is CBD?

CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, one of 113 chemical substances present in the Cannabis sativa plant. Marijuana and hemp are two popular forms of this plant known to humans. However, the typical effects of marijuana on people, such as the buzz and high, can be somehow attributed to CBD. It was a prohibited substance in the United States for a long period. However, more research revealed that another chemical is abundant and cannabidiol (CBD), particularly in the marijuana variations of the cannabis Sativa plant. This substance is referred to as delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

According to Pedersen & Sandberg (2013), THC is psychoactive, which means that it is responsible for any form of ‘high’ or ‘euphoria’ and mental difficulties. Consequently, CBD containing less than 0.3% THC or none is considered safe for ingestion and application in the United States. Chung et al. (2019) stated that CBD was classified as a negative allosteric modulator in a 2015 study. It means that CBD diminishes THC’s efficacy and potency. Thus, CBD drugs with a THC level of less than 0.3% successfully mitigate any adverse effect THC would have on its users.

CBD Topicals

CBD topicals are intended for direct application to the skin. CBD-infused lotions, balms, creams, salves, and transdermal patches are available. Topicals are an excellent alternative for discreetly treating localized discomfort or skin diseases such as eczema. According to Montero-Melendez et al. (2020), applying CBD gel to the skin significantly reduced joint swelling, encouraging outcomes for individuals suffering from illnesses such as arthritis. While studies on topicals have not provided a bioavailability estimate, individuals know a few things. Since topicals are not subject to the first-pass effect, they provide targeted treatment to a specific location. Your skin has a relatively low permeability compared to mucous membranes such as sublingual tissue. That implies that if you’re going to use a topical product, you’ll want to find one with a high CBD concentration and apply it liberally. CBD topicals are available in a variety of formulations.

Types of CBD Topicals

The most frequently encountered and utilized CBD topicals are sprays, salves, lotions, and roll-ons. CBD’s varied nature has a remedy for every condition, from muscle ache to stress reduction, nourishing fatigued skin and nursing it back to health.

  • Lotions and creams are the two most common kinds of CBD topicals. Simple to use and apply, these creams absorb quickly into the skin and leave no oily behind.
  • CBD roll-ons contain botanicals in addition to CBD and provide relaxing relief almost instantly. The relaxing chemicals combined with CBD go above and beyond to deliver rapid relief.
  • Sprays: Like pain treatment sprays, CBD sprays cover a bigger area and eliminate the need to massage the drug into the skin. The spray into the skin pores and immediately begins working.
  • Salve: Certain CBD salves alleviate pain and soothe inflamed skin, but they may also be applied directly to cuts.

How to select the Best CBD Topical?

There are numerous CBD topicals available on the market. Therefore, how can you pick the best one for you? Below are fundamental guidelines to follow while working with CBD. They are as follows:


When purchasing CBD topicals, one of the first things to check is the product’s strength. CBD does not readily penetrate through the skin. As a result, selecting a CBD topical that has at least 200 mg of CBD per container is beneficial. Some products include 1000 milligrams of CBD in each bottle (which are more effective).


For the untrained eye, determining the quality of the CBD topical may be challenging. Ascertain the origin of the hemp from which the CBD was extracted. Choose organic hemp grown in the United States, as the United States assures hemp growers adhere to agricultural rules. McGregor et al. (2020) clarified that purchasing CBD topicals from producers whose products have been third-party tested and are mold and pesticide-free is wise.


Take note of the method of extracting CBD in your product. Three types of CBD are employed in products, and they are classified according to their CBD concentration:


CBD in its purest form, free of all other cannabis Sativa chemicals.


This extract contains all the chemicals present in a single hemp plant extraction. Additionally, these compounds may include other cannabinoids, terpenes, and a few essential oils.


This type of extract contains a combination of isolates and full-spectrum compounds. Therefore, it includes a significant quantity of CBD, and several other oils and chemicals, enhancing its therapeutic properties. THC is eliminated from all broad-spectrum extracts, just as it is in CBD isolate.


Make an effort to choose items that contain no preservatives or pesticides. If this information is not included on the label, you can contact the manufacturer via email to inquire about it.


All CBD products should be priced between $30 and $60. If you pay more than this range, or even close to $100, confirm that the product’s efficacy and contents justify the price.


CBD products may contain trace levels of THC and other cannabinoids, depending on the extraction procedure. Without a doubt, CBD products work wonderfully on tired skin and aching joints. Topicals are a popular choice for many CBD lovers who are just getting started. They can benefit from CBD’s effectiveness without worrying about its consequences if it enters the bloodstream, as topical applications are only subdermal. Additionally, CBD has garnered significant market momentum due to its immediate effects.


Chung, H., Fierro, A., & Pessoa-Mahana, C. D. (2019). Cannabidiol binding and negative allosteric modulation at the cannabinoid type 1 receptor in the presence of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol: An In Silico study. PloS one, 14(7), e0220025.

McGregor, I. S., Cairns, E. A., Abelev, S., Cohen, R., Henderson, M., Couch, D., … & Gauld, N. (2020). Access to cannabidiol without a prescription: A cross-country comparison and analysis. International Journal of Drug Policy, 85, 102935.

Montero-Melendez, T., Nagano, A., Chelala, C., Filer, A., Buckley, C. D., & Perretti, M. (2020). Therapeutic senescence via GPCR activation in synovial fibroblasts facilitates the resolution of arthritis. Nature communications, 11(1), 1-15.

Pedersen, W., & Sandberg, S. (2013). The medicalization of revolt: a sociological analysis of medical cannabis users. Sociology of health & illness, 35(1), 17-32.

Crystal Kadir

MS, Durham University

The work of a family doctor includes a wide range of clinical diversity, which requires extensive knowledge and erudition from a specialist. However, I believe that the most important thing for a family doctor is to be human because the cooperation and understanding between the doctor and the patient are crucial in ensuring successful health care. On my days off, I love being in nature. Since childhood, I have been passionate about playing chess and tennis. Whenever I have time off, I enjoy traveling around the world.

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