CBD (cannabidiol) is one of over 100 chemical components called cannabinoids discovered in the cannabis plant, Cannabis sativa. The psychoactive cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the most common psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis, which means it causes a high feeling. CBD topical is an option for pain and symptom relief without the mind-altering effects of cannabis or the added side effects associated with some pharmaceutical medications. It is available in various forms, including oil, ointments, creams & lotions, patches, balms, and salves. These soak quickly into the skin and immediately on the affected regions.

The Benefits of CBD

Certain Cancer-Related Symptoms May Be Relieved

According to a study, Some CBD products may help to alleviate cancer-related side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and discomfort. An earlier study examined the effects of CBD and THC in 177 persons who were suffering from cancer-related distress and had not found relief from pain medicines. Patients treated with both compounds reported having experienced some reduction in pain. Although CBD may benefit some cancer patients, additional research is needed to establish whether CBD should be used more frequently to control cancer symptoms. If you have cancer and want to use CBD or other cannabis-derived products, you should speak with your doctor first. These products may be unsuitable and unsafe for all cancer patients.

May Relieve Pain

According to other studies, CBD can help with chronic pain by altering endocannabinoid receptor function, reducing inflammation, and interacting with neurotransmitters. It can ease some forms of pain, including nerve and back pain. In various human investigations, The studies found a combination of CBD and THC to be effective in reducing pain associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) and arthritis. According to one study, Sativex may help those with MS-related neuropathic pain and persistent severe neuropathic pain. According to the study, Sativex may also assist with worry and stress, important causes of chronic pain.

Certain studies suggest CBD may also help with rheumatic disorders like fibromyalgia.

According to a poll of 2,701 patients with fibromyalgia, those who took CBD for pain management reported a slight to a major improvement in their symptoms. According to preclinical evidence from rat research, CBD may have therapeutic effects on pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, but human trials are sparse.

May Improve Heart Health

A study conducted on 26 healthy males revealed that taking 600 mg of CBD for 7 days reduced blood pressure significantly in the short term when compared to a placebo group. The impact, however, was eliminated after 7 days. Compared to the placebo group, the CBD group showed reduced arterial stiffness and better blood flow through their arteries following repeated CBD administration (26Trusted Source). These results were encouraging, but more research into CBD treatment’s potential heart health advantages is needed.

Could Reduce Mental Conditions Related Symptoms

Pharmaceutical medications are frequently used to treat mental health illnesses. However, they might have various side effects, including sleepiness, insomnia, headaches, and sexual dysfunction. Furthermore, benzodiazepines can cause addiction and lead to substance use disorder. In children with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a kind of anxiety condition, it treats insomnia and anxiety successfully. It lowers PTSD-related signs in adults, including nightmares, in a small 2019 trial. CBD has been beneficial in treating social anxiety and other anxiety-related diseases in several previous trials. Even though some people report that CBD helps with depression symptoms, human proof of CBD’s putative antidepressant properties is still lacking. Several studies, however, indicate that it may assist people with cannabis use disorders to reduce their emotional distress.

Other benefits of CBD are;

  • It may have neuroprotective properties.
  • Antipsychotic effects.
  • Relieving anxiety during substance abuse treatment.
  • May aid improvement of sleep by reducing insomnia.
  •  Possible prolonged life, especially for those with glioblastoma.

Benefits of CBD Topicals

According to research, CBD topicals have various benefits;

Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy is a nerve injury that causes discomfort, numbness, and weakness in the feet and hands. According to a study due in 2020, CBD oil may considerably reduce pain in persons with peripheral neuropathy.


A 2016 study on arthritis discovered that some CBD products had long-term anti-inflammatory and anti-behavioral effects on arthritis.

Sore Jaw

According to a 2019 study, CBD products may help persons with temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). TMD can result in jaw pain and stiffness.

Acne, Eczema, and psoriasis

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects may help with acne, psoriasis, and eczema therapy.

Side Effects of CBD Topicals

Many people find CBD to be safe and well-tolerated. People who use topical CBD products are more likely to be irritated by other components in the ointment. As a result, people should perform a patch test before using the product. CBD may interfere with prescription medications or supplements, so anyone interested in using it should first consult a healthcare practitioner. On the other hand, topical CBD products are the least likely of any CBD product to enter the bloodstream and cause medication interactions. Some of the most prevalent CBD adverse effects include;

  • Cottonmouth
  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue
  • Dehydration brought by diarrhea
  • Appetite and weight fluctuations


CBD skin lotion may benefit people suffering from eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, and inflammation, among other ailments. You have to apply the ointment immediately to your skin and wait a few minutes. They are easier to control in dosage and do not have the same potent effects as smoking marijuana. Making them more usable for a wider range of people. CBD skin creams are available from a variety of brands. New CBD products users should start with a minimal amount and progressively raise the amount over time if necessary. A doctor can advise on the safest methods for using CBD products.


Capano, A., Weaver, R., & Burkman, E. (2020). Evaluation of the effects of CBD hemp extract on opioid use and quality of life indicators in chronic pain patients: a prospective cohort study. Postgraduate medicine, 132(1), 56-61.

Capano, A., Weaver, R., & Burkman, E. (2020). Evaluation of the effects of CBD hemp extract on opioid use and quality of life indicators in chronic pain patients: a prospective cohort study. Postgraduate medicine, 132(1), 56-61.

Chelliah, M. P., Zinn, Z., Khuu, P., & Teng, J. M. (2018). Self‐initiated use of topical cannabidiol oil for epidermolysis bullosa. Pediatric dermatology, 35(4), e224-e227.

Crystal Kadir

MS, Durham University

The work of a family doctor includes a wide range of clinical diversity, which requires extensive knowledge and erudition from a specialist. However, I believe that the most important thing for a family doctor is to be human because the cooperation and understanding between the doctor and the patient are crucial in ensuring successful health care. On my days off, I love being in nature. Since childhood, I have been passionate about playing chess and tennis. Whenever I have time off, I enjoy traveling around the world.

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