What are the symptoms of a Crohn’s flare-up

The common Crohn’s diseases flare-ups symptoms include;

  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain
  • Anal fistulas
  • Unintended weight gain
  • Poor appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Endless, full feelings.
  • Skin tags on the butt cheeks
  • Malnutrition
  • Blood in feces
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Fatigue
  • Inflammation on body parts such as eyes, liver, kidney, joints, and skin.

How do you know if you’re having a flare-up or something else

To determine whether you have Crohn’s disease flare-ups, a doctor will make a diagnosis of blood or stool tests and later use an X-ray on the GI tract to determine the exact conditions triggering the above symptoms.

What’s happening in the body during a flare-up?

Normally, for Crohn’s disease to flare up, there must be an inflammation in the gut or digestive tract extending to the small intestine and colon. The flare-ups might be triggered by smoking, eating unhealthy diets, genes, autoimmune reactions, and some medications.

What are some tips for managing a flare-up, including treatments specific to flare-ups

I recommend you take prescribed medications such as corticosteroids, immunomodulators, aminosalicylates, and biologic therapies, which work by lowering the inflammation and eventually relieving the symptoms. Surgery can be used in severe cases.

I suggest you quit or limit smoking, eat healthy diets high in fibers, exercise regularly, practice bowel resting, and drink alcohol moderately to prevent future flare-ups.

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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