What are your thoughts about the research/findings?

I support the findings of this research as excess fructose corn syrup can heighten the risk of NAFLD by triggering an increase in fat deposition on the liver which has severe negative health impacts.

How does high fructose corn syrup harm the body/increase the risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease?

The mechanisms that increase the risk of NAFLD include; the high fructose corn syrup leads to fat accumulation, increased liver fat, inflammation or swelling of the liver and impairment on how it works increasing the risk of any liver problem.

Do soft drinks contain a lot of high fructose corn syrup?

Yes, most of the soft drinks are loaded with fructose corn syrup to give it the pleasing sweet taste. The HFCS content in soft drinks are high in calories which can result to NAFLD as they bulk up fat accumulation in the liver.

Should people stop drinking soft drinks completely or is a small/occasional amount okay

I highly recommend you limit your soft drinks intake to one or 2 cans a day to lower the risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Ensure that soft drinks are not your primary source of boosting your fluids intake to prevent this condition. Drinking plain water is more helpful in increasing your hydration levels and combating any negative health effects that can arise from taking soft drinks.

Crystal Kadir

MS, Durham University

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