1) why is this a common fear? what about heights can be scary?

 It is common because its risk factors must not involve you in places with heights. For example, you may have watched someone fall from a high point having a panic attack from a raised place.  It can come indirectly.

 2) what are common obstacles that get in the way of overcoming a fear of heights? would you consider this phobia to be one of the harder fears to overcome? yes/no–explain.

3) what kind of treatment or therapy is best for someone trying to overcome fear of heights? CBT? exposure therapy? Please explain these two types of therapies and how they work, as well as how they would both apply and be used for someone who is trying to overcome fear of heights with an example or two for each of the therapies to express how they work.

Exposure therapy

While people with phobias mostly move away from what they fear, exposing themselves to what they are afraid of is one of the best solutions. Avoiding the fear can make them think they cannot manage it when the specific phobia is presented. But through exposure, they can learn to stay in the circumstance and later cope with it.


CBT is a psychological remedy whereby a specialist asks various questions to give you a new perspective. It helps learn more and cope with anxiety or stress triggered when exposed to your phobia.

 4) Apart from these two therapies, are there any other tips you suggest for someone who is looking to overcome their fear of heights? any other forms of therapies or tips/steps you recommend, and if so, please explain what they are, how they work, and give an example of how they might be used for treating fear of heights in particular. 

Yes. For example;

Virtual reality exposure therapy that utilizes digital equipment to fake situations, which appear real, but help manage stressful circumstances caused by your fear. It can be a virtual reality headset that creates a realistic state with heights, exposing you to your phobia in a safe way but not real. Even research suggests it a successful treatment method.

I also recommend identifying and knowing your anxiety signals. If you properly understand and can interpret your bodily sensations, it will help look at the symptoms the way they are-your body’s natural way to respond to fear. Also, remember that anxiety does not last forever.

5) about how long should it take for someone to overcome fear of heights with regular therapy and practice? what is a good range in time frame on average for someone who is looking to seek help and overcome their fear?

It always depends with a person’s response and commitment to the treatment. I have had clients show improvement after 8-10 sessions through exposure therapy. Some even go up to 6 months.

6) anything you caution against–or anything that people should avoid when looking to overcome fear of heights or as they are going through therapy, should obstacles or setbacks appear?

I discourage the use of medication to treat acrophobia because it may not be as effective as therapy. It may only handle anxiety symptoms. If you must use it, please include therapy.

Charlotte Cremers
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MS, University of Tartu
Sleep specialist

Using the acquired academic and professional experience, I advise patients with various complaints about mental health - depressed mood, nervousness, lack of energy and interest, sleep disorders, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and anxieties, difficulty concentrating, and stress. In my free time, I love to paint and go on long walks on the beach. One of my latest obsessions is sudoku – a wonderful activity to calm an unease mind.

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