What are the best ways to support a partner with an invisible medical condition?

If you are looking to support these individuals, the following tips can help;

  • Offer your time when they need you and respect their alone time if they ask for it. Your availability and accessibility are great support.
  • Learn more about their condition by talking to them to help understand better and know what to do for their help.
  • Give them love and understanding as the best gifts because you are powerless about their condition.
  • Be patient because their condition may make them sad, angry, or distant.

How can how a lack of support can impact someone’s self-esteem

Lack of support may result in loneliness and depression, which can damage cognitive function. Some individuals may decide to console themselves with excessive drinking and worse situations may bring suicidal thoughts.

How can abundance of support be so beneficial?

Strong support helps cope with the illness, helping make healthy actions and choices, which discourages giving up.

Anastasia Filipenko

Anastasia Filipenko is a health and wellness psychologist, dermatolist and a freelance writer. She frequently covers beauty and skincare, food trends and nutrition, health and fitness and relationships. When she's not trying out new skincare products, you'll find her taking a cycling class, doing yoga, reading in the park, or trying a new recipe.

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