As a dietitian, here are some morning beverages that are slowing your metabolism and lead to unintended weight gain;

Frozen coffee

Taking a cup of frozen coffee with creams and lattes, especially from coffee shops, can significantly slow down metabolism and trigger weight gain. Frozen coffee is high in sugars and calories, ranging from 400 to 1200. Taking excess calories and sugars the first thing in the morning can slow down digestion, and metabolism, while stripping you any natural effort of the body to cut weight.  

Sugary juices

Most processed or sugary juices are high in artificial sweeteners and calorie sugars and less in nutrients such as fiber. Taking these drinks can affect smooth and fast metabolism as it can result in high blood sugars and increased cravings that push you to eat more in the day to reverse the blood sugar crashing, eventually inhibiting weight loss.

Other beverages to avoid are sports or energy drinks, sodas, alcohol, specialty cocktails, or coffees.

What Role Does Age Play in Metabolism?

As you age, it’s normal for the metabolism rate to slow down and burn fewer calories than you used to when young. This is associated with decreased engagement in physical activities, loss of muscle mass, which reduces resting metabolism, and natural deterioration of the metabolic processes and cellular components.

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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