‘I only wanted to hear from you’

A guy who calls to say that he only wanted to hear your voice clearly implies he caught feelings. If you are in a long distance relationship, he will always show signs of missing you and thirst for your presence.

He stares at you

A man who feels for you will show it in his eyes. When he looks at you, there is a glow in his eyes that suggests something. You can confirm by how they react when you enter the hall or room. Your presence matters to them.

He is protective and supportive

A man with feelings is lovely. He worries about your welfare. Also, he is always there whenever you are troubled because he feels happy when you are happy.

Charlotte Cremers
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MS, University of Tartu
Sleep specialist

Using the acquired academic and professional experience, I advise patients with various complaints about mental health - depressed mood, nervousness, lack of energy and interest, sleep disorders, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and anxieties, difficulty concentrating, and stress. In my free time, I love to paint and go on long walks on the beach. One of my latest obsessions is sudoku – a wonderful activity to calm an unease mind.

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