The 5 Love Languages

The 5 Love Languages

Words of Affirmation

People who identify with words of affirmation as their love language like compliments, words of encouragement, and being praised. They feel hurt when someone close to them uses harsh words or makes unpleasant criticism.

Acts Of Services

For acts of service, one feels loved and cared for when their partner does small or big things for them. People who identify with acts of service as their love language prefer being shown how much they are loved to hearing how much they are valued.

Quality Time

When your love language is quality time, you value undivided attention. You feel loved when your partner spends time with you. When you are with your special person, you avoid distractions (think: phones or TV) to have a good time with them.


For this love language, meaningful gifts can make your boo feel special. While you might think people whose language is receiving gifts are materialistic, that is not the case. Even their favorite snack can make a big difference.

Physical Touch

People who speak physical touch as their love language favor physical intimacy. These include holding hands, kissing, hugging, cuddling, and even having sex.

How Different Needs and Expectations About Love Languages Can Affect the Relationship

So, youspeak gifts as your love language while your partner identifies with physical touch as their love language. To express your love, you will want to gift them often. The sad part is that your partner will still feel unloved because you don’t have time for physical intimacy. This can cause disconnection and resentment in the long run. It is important to recognize the love language your partner operate to stay connected give love and feel loved.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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