What are your best “hacks” for growing longer, fuller lashes?

Apply enhancers with serum            

How do you confirm that an eyelash enhancer serum can perform wonders on your lashes? Well, I always insist on the ingredients used. Choose a product with peptides and amino acids for thicker and fuller lashes.

Do not forget to brush your lashes

Perhaps you always overlook this hack, thinking it lacks back up by science. May be you are right, but combing your eyelashes can give a longer appearance. It also boosts growth. Buy one with fine bristles and a good size to fit even in the smallest purse.

Use a coconut oil moisturizer

Coconut oil gives peace of mind when applying it around the eyes because it is a safe ingredient. Again, it adds softness and strengthens each hair strand, leaving you with strong and thicker lashes. It also reduces protein loss from the hair.

What are the best products/serums/oils?

GrandeLASH- MD

GrandeLASH offers one of the best lash enhancing serums carrying peptides, vitamins, and amino acids that strengthen and lengthen the lashes. I recommended this product to a few of my clients and they gave positive feedback three weeks into its use. I also used it earlier and thanks to this wonderful product. My lashes used to be shorter with a few hairs lost around my eyes corners. Currently, the story is different because they are longer, thicker, and fuller.

Maple oil

I have not used this product but the feedback from earlier buyers shows its effectiveness. It contains 100% coconut oil. It reduces breakage and fall outs, which give longer and stronger eyelashes.

Any supplements that contain specific vitamins?

Nature’s Bounty Vitamin E-oil

Nature’s Bounty makes a safe oral vitamin E supplement meant for the skin and hair. It effectively moisturizes and increases growth speed of eyelashes and eyebrows. Furthermore, consuming it can boost your immunity.

Can brushes/curlers be effective?

As mentioned earlier, lash brushes can boost lash appearance by promoting the length. It also eliminates residue, keeping the lashes separate, fluffed, and looking fuller.

Charlotte Cremers
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MS, University of Tartu
Sleep specialist

Using the acquired academic and professional experience, I advise patients with various complaints about mental health - depressed mood, nervousness, lack of energy and interest, sleep disorders, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and anxieties, difficulty concentrating, and stress. In my free time, I love to paint and go on long walks on the beach. One of my latest obsessions is sudoku – a wonderful activity to calm an unease mind.

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