CBD is gaining popularity, and the demand for CBD products is increasing. People claim that these products have different benefits. Adults take CBD oil and its products, and some offer it to kids and teens. CBD oil products include gummies, capsules, tinctures, and vapes. They are offered in isolates, full-spectrum, and broad-spectrum formulations. Do you want to try CBD for the first time? This article highlights the basics of CBD oil and why people take it, among other concerns.

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD is an active compound and one of the many viable components called cannabinoids in cannabis plants. It is closely linked to THC, but the two are different in that CBD oil does not make you ‘high’ as THC does. CBD oil can be extracted from hemp or marijuana plants, but the Farm Bill of 2018 regards hemp-derived CBD oil with less than 0.3% THC legal.

Types of CBD Oil

There are three types of CBD oil featured in any CBD product you might buy, and they include;

Full-spectrum CBD Oil

This oil has many cannabinoids other than CBD, including the psychoactive THC, CBN, CBG, CBT, CBC, and CBDA. Because of the many cannabinoids, full-spectrum CBD oil is linked to a full entourage effect.

Broad-spectrum CBD Oil

It has terpenes, flavonoids, and as many cannabinoids as full-spectrum CBD oil, only that it lacks the psychoactive THC.

Isolate-based CBD Oil

This is pure CBD with no cannabinoids other than CBD and lacks terpenes and flavonoids. It is the most preferred type for those who wish to avoid THC, the earthy flavor and taste of hemp, and those taking drug tests occasionally.

CBD Delivery Methods

CBD oil has many delivery methods, offering several options for those who want to explore the cannabinoid. For instance, you can buy CBD oil as;

  • Edibles-  taken through the mouth and include gummies, mints, and lozenges
  • Capsules and softgels- are consumed orally but are swallowed and not eaten
  • Tinctures- come in liquid forms and are administered orally or sublingually, where the latter is linked to a short activation time due to fast absorption into the bloodstream
  • Vapes- such as vape pens and cartridges that allow people to enjoy vape CBD oil
  • Topicals- are applied topically on the skin and do not penetrate past the outer layer of the skin. They include balms, patches, serums, massage oils, shampoos, and creams

Why Do People Take CBD Oil?

While some people might be taking CBD oil for recreational purposes, most CBD enthusiasts take it for various benefits. Nonetheless, there is not enough scientific evidence to prove that CBD oil might have health benefits. Here are some of the reasons that drive people to try CBD oil or its products;

Fight Pain

One main reason for consuming CBD oil is to relieve acute and chronic pain. Although there is not enough evidence to credit CBD oil for treating pain, one review by Vučković, et al. (2018) analyzed CBD studies from 1975 through March 2018. It concluded that it might help manage pain from neuropathy, cancer, and fibromyalgia.

Manage Arthritis and Other Chronic Conditions

Many people have to live with chronic conditions, including arthritis and gout. They have to deal with inflammation and pain when the conditions worsen. According to Lowin, et al. (2020), topical CBD such as gel could help fight inflammation and pain for people with arthritis. In the study, CBD oil gel was applied on the affected parts of rats with arthritis and showed significant improvements. However, there is a need for further scientific research on the efficacy of CBD oil for arthritis.

Managing Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological condition caused by the misfiring of electric signals when something stands on its pathways. Epileptic attacks are characterized by more than two seizures within two weeks. Adults, teens, and kids are prescribed Epidiolex, a cannabis-infused drug the FDA approved for managing Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut, two rare forms of epilepsy caused by tuberous sclerosis.

Boosting Heart Health

The heart is a critical organ, and its failure means the body cannot function properly. People go to all heights to boost heart health. One study by Jadoon, et al. (2017) showed that CBD oil could reduce resting blood pressure and slightly lower blood pressure rises. However, more studies are needed before linking CBD oil to heart-protecting benefits.

A Key Reminder for CBD Oil Consumers

Much remains unknown about CBD, how it works in the body, and the long-lasting effects of this cannabinoid. However, studies promise that CBD oil might have many positive effects, but there is not enough evidence to prove its efficacy for these claims. Therefore, consumers should consult their doctor before taking any CBD product.


CBD oil is one of the many active compounds found in cannabis plants. Although people take it to fight pain and inflammation, manage illnesses, and protect the heart, there is a need for further studies to prove that CBD oil can help with these claims. If you decide to take CBD oil, consult your doctor beforehand.


Jadoon, K. A., Tan, G. D., & O’Sullivan, S. E. (2017). A Single Dose Of Cannabidiol Reduces Blood Pressure In Healthy Volunteers In A Randomized Crossover Study. JCI Insight, 2(12).

Lowin, T., Tingting, R., Zurmahr,

J., Classen, T., Schneider, M., & Pongratz, G. (2020). Cannabidiol (CBD): A

Killer For Inflammatory Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Fibroblasts. Cell Death

& Disease, 11(8), 1-11.

Vučković, S., Srebro, D., Vujović,

K. S., Vučetić, Č., & Prostran, M. (2018). Cannabinoids And Pain: New Insights From Old Molecules. Frontiers In Pharmacology, 1259.

Julia Davis

Mental health expert
MS, University of Latvia

I am deeply convinced that each patient needs a unique, individual approach. Therefore, I use different psychotherapy methods in my work. During my studies, I discovered an in-depth interest in people as a whole and the belief in the inseparability of mind and body, and the importance of emotional health in physical health. In my spare time, I enjoy reading (a big fan of thrillers) and going on hikes.

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