The popularity of CBD is increasing because of its potential in alleviating pain, helping with anxiety and depression, having anti-inflammatory properties, and aiding in epilepsy, through research and evidence. When shopping for oils, you might have come across full-spectrum CBD oil. What is it? What are the benefits and risks? Keep reading to get the answers.

What Is Full-Spectrum CBD Oil?

CBD(cannabidiol) is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis sativa plant. CBD oil is its product extracted from the hemp plant. Unlike the other cannabinoids, CBD does not cause a high feeling. It is available in three types; full spectrum CBD, isolate CBD, and broad-spectrum CBD. Full-spectrum CBD oil contains all cannabinoids, and THC, with a trace amount of 0.3% or below. Therefore, when buying a full-spectrum CBD oil, ensure THC levels are 0.3% or less, as this is the recommended amount. However, in states with full legalization of cannabis, full-spectrum CBD oil may have a higher level of THC. The components in full-spectrum CBD oil include; phytocannabinoids such as THC and CBD, flavonoids, and terpenes. Others consider full-spectrum CBD oil to be more effective than the other two types because it combines every compound in the cannabis plant and a low percentage of THC. According to research, the elements in full-spectrum CBD oil work more in harmony than when there is a single cannabinoid.

How Does Full Spectrum CBD Oil Work?

The three main components of full-spectrum CBD oil,(cannabinoids, CBD, and THC), work in different parts of the brain. Unfortunately, the full effects of these components on the body are not yet known, and researchers are still undertaking further studies to find out. Currently, the available evidence points to the effects of CBD oil on the endocannabinoid system as it helps regulate it. The endocannabinoid system helps in bringing a balance in the body by using different receptors of the nervous system. When it is properly regulated, it aids in the proper functioning of the nervous and immune system, improves one’s mood, controls the inflammation response and the sleep cycle.

The Benefits of Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Other than a single medication prescribed for two severe forms of epilepsy, the FDA hasn’t approved any other CBD product for health-related benefits. However, the available research and studies are not solid enough but have promising results. Full-spectrum CBD oil has the entourage effect, meaning that multiple components work together to give more benefits than when taken individually.

The Risks of Full Spectrum CBD Oil

One advantage of full-spectrum CBD oil is that it contains all the cannabinoids, CBD and THC. According to experts, even though it contains some percentage of THC, one cannot get high after consuming it. This is because of the low level(0.3% and below) of THC that is recommended. As most researchers agree, this is an insignificant amount that will less likely lead to one getting high. A small amount is not strong enough to bring psychoactive effects to the user. However, an overdose of full-spectrum CBD oil has a higher chance of getting the user high. Keep in mind that each individual is different, and the effects might vary from one person to the next. Therefore, there could be possibilities that psychoactive effects associated with THC can be mild on some users. Therefore, taking a small dose of low potency full-spectrum CBD oil will unlikely result in intoxicating effects.

The Side Effects of Full Spectrum CBD Oil

There is limited research on full-spectrum CBD oil. Therefore, there is a lack of answers to all questions regarding advantages and disadvantages of this product. However, there are some general side effects that a consumer may experience. These are;

  • Change in mood
  • A change in appetite
  • Drowsiness
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Vomiting

Additionally, full-spectrum CBD oil can combine with medicines that the user might already be taking. Therefore, consult a doctor before using full-spectrum CBD oil, in order to use it appropriately and avoid any possible side effects. There is no clear guarantee that this product is safe and effective for use as there is no regulation from the FDA yet. Importantly, read the label on the product to check if it has some additives, flavors, or preservatives. Unfortunately, there is the issue of mislabeling.

Full Spectrum vs. Broad-Spectrum vs. isolate CBD Oil; What is the Difference?

Full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate CBD oil are the different types of CBD oils available. Full-spectrum CBD oil has all the cannabinoids, with trace amounts of THC, usually 0.3% or less. It can be more in states where cannabis is fully legalized. Also, overdosing on this CBD oil can lead to one getting high. Broad-spectrum CBD oil contains CBD and other different cannabinoids but lacks THC. Additionally, it is not 100% CBD as it contains some components of the cannabis plant. One of its benefits is that it will not leave you with a “high” feeling as it has no THC. On the other hand, isolate CBD oil only has the CBD. It is the purest form of CBD with no compounds in the cannabis plant. It is ideal for non-THC users. However, it lacks the entourage effect.


There are three types of CBD oil; full-spectrum, broad and isolate CBD oil. The full-spectrum CBD oil contains all cannabinoids(CBD) and low levels of THC. Its benefit is in the entourage effect it offers. Moreover, the risk of getting high can be experienced, especially when overdosed. There are other side effects as well. However, both benefits and side effects need more research.

MS, Durham University

The work of a family doctor includes a wide range of clinical diversity, which requires extensive knowledge and erudition from a specialist. However, I believe that the most important thing for a family doctor is to be human because the cooperation and understanding between the doctor and the patient are crucial in ensuring successful health care. On my days off, I love being in nature. Since childhood, I have been passionate about playing chess and tennis. Whenever I have time off, I enjoy traveling around the world.

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