2. Please give an introductory quote in a few sentences on how making friends as an adult can be tough, but friendship is so important in adulthood (and touch a bit on why and link to one or two research studies backing up your claims, if possible).

Do you remember the days of your childhood? Various situations, including schooling and games, made meeting and acquiring friends easier. However, the chances of meeting other people start reducing as you grow older. Your friends start focusing on their families, work life, job transfers, and relocation may set in, leaving you either alone or with a smaller circle of friends. While it may be difficult to get friends in adulthood, the effort involved is worth it. Below are a few insights on how to make friends as an adult. Have a look.

3. Please share one actionable way to make friends as an adult and explain in a few sentences.

Explore new things

If you fancy new adventures, make an effort to enjoy several of them. You never know who else has the same interest in the adventure, which may allow meeting and connecting. I also advise my clients to try new things, such as, learning a different skill. Join a piano class or art, and be sure to find other people in the same class. It will sharpen your mental health and help you bond with a potential friend to add to your circle.

4. Please repeat section 3 with another tip on how to make friends as an adult.

When invited, do not decline

If someone invites you for something, please accept the invitation. You may be busy or tired, but remember they invited you because they care and may want to know more about you. Perhaps you have social anxiety or are sick; declining is okay. But make them understand why you cannot make it. Additionally, do something else that indicates how willing you were to go, such as, inviting them next time.

5. Please share another tip on how to make friends as an adult.

Write down the names of potential friends

Is there anyone you wish to know better and have interacted with or met before? It could be at work or neighborhood, but you have not been close- yes, it is the ones I mean. Making new friends in adulthood can be hard and requires an effort to succeed. Therefore, take the initiative and invite them, one by one, for lunch or ask them to hang out with you one day. It will expand opportunities for friendship.

 6. Please share another tip on how to make friends as an adult.

Be open

Avoid overthinking about bonding with people. For example, stop imagining how someone may not find fun in you or getting rejection by others. Be open and have that childhood mind of not caring about who will reject you. Go out and meet new individuals, and find ready doors for friendship.

7. Please share another tip on how to make friends as an adult.

Sign up for friendship apps

The digital world has made things easier, and now you can meet friends on online apps, such as, Bumble and Tinder. We have heard stories about scamming and harassment on such apps, but I have had positive feedback from many of my clients saying how they succeeded. But before you do that, I recommend seeking guidance on the best approach to avoid being a victim of bad luck.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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