Beginner's Guide to Anal Sex

Beginner’s Guide to Anal Sex

Anal sex is linked to some mind blowing orgasms that feel out of this world. However, the anal opening does not make it any easier to gain access to the anal cavity which is lined with endless nerve endings. The sphincter muscles are not so flexible and they tend to require a bit of coaxing before you get anything comfortably into the ass without causing damage. To start you off, here are some safety guidelines;

Beginner's Guide to Anal Sex - How to Have Anal Sex? - Sex Tips


  • Always ensure that you wear a condom. It doesn’t matter if you are 100% monogamous; always ensure that you wear a condom to avoid transfer of bacteria from the bowels into other areas.
  • Use a generous amount of lubrication for each session. Always ensure that it is latex safe and never ever use oil based lubricant with your anal toys or with your condom.
  • Always stop if you experience pain. A little discomfort is normal, but make sure you do not force anything up the ass if you are met with resistance.
  • Ensure that you warm up the sphincter muscles before penetration to ease the expansion of the muscles as they will be more relaxed. 
  • Before the warm up session, ensure that you have trimmed your nails.
  • Never use a desensitizing lubricant for anal play. It will make it difficult to determine whether you have any injuries, leading to extensive damage before you realize what is happening.
  • Always ensure that you do not use the same condom to access multiple openings. If you are switching from anal to vaginal penetration, change the condom.
  • Make sure you communicate with your partner throughout the session while also keeping an eye on their body language to ensure they are not trying to brave through a painful experience.
Beginner's Guide to Anal Sex - How to Have Anal Sex? - Sex Tips

Preparation for Anal Sex

Unlike any other form of sexual play, anal stimulation requires extensive preparation beforehand. For starters, ensure that the bowels are empty by going to the toilet before the session is to start. This helps you avoid an embarrassing situation. Also make sure that you avoid fibrous and spicy foods days leading up to the session.

If you require a deeper and more extensive deep cleaning, you can have a douche/enema session 3 to 4 hours before the anal play session.

The sphincter muscles require a bit of relaxation before game time so take the opportunity to warm the muscles up before the session starts. Using adequate lubricant, insert one finger into the anus and let it rest there until you feel your muscles relax. Next insert the second finger until you feel the muscles relax a bit more. Also, you can use a small butt plug to warm up before the play; just ensure that you use lubricant for this too.

Beginner’s Guide to Anal Sex

Anal Play Time

Once you are all cleaned up and ready to go, here are some steps that will make the session go little smoother;

  • Completely relax your pelvic muscles. This will ease your sphincter muscles into relaxation.
  • Indulge in a bit of foreplay. Foreplay is always a vital part of any sensual encounter and anal stimulation is not any different. Put in the effort and use mood enhancers if necessary like candles, dim lights and massage oils.
  • Apply ample lubricant to the anal opening, both on the inside and the outside. Always ensure that you use lubricant that is safe for anal sex.
  • Warming up cannot be stressed enough. With the sphincter muscles being very inflexible, it is of paramount importance that they are relaxed before any attempt at full on penetration.

Now that everything is in place, you can dive in. With penile penetration, the head is the widest part so ensure that you take it slow. Once the tip is in, the rest will be easier. With toys, ensure you use the one that will comfortably fit your partner’s stretching ability.

Always ensure that you never skimp out on the lubricant. It eases the movement of the toys and penis, ensuring that no friction related injuries occur.

Anal stimulation is a game that takes courage to start. However, ensure that you start slow and gradually progress to ensure that no injuries occur. If you like to douche/enema before playtime, ensure that you keep the sessions infrequent and limit them to a maximum of three in a week.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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