What does polyglutamic acid do for the skin?

Polyglutamic acid is a great skin moisturizer and hydrator as it draws moisture from the environment preventing dry skin conditions.it can lower wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin and other aging effects by maintaining a moist skin and stimulating collagen and elastin formation.

Is polyglutamic acid better than hyaluronic acid? Why/why not.

Polyglutamic acid is overall better on the skin than hyaluronic acid. It has larger molecules hence can draw more moisture and retain it on the skin longer than hyaluronic acid.

When should you use polyglutamic acid in your skincare routine?

I recommend you start by cleansing the skin with soft washcloths, apply your best serum followed by the polyglutamic acid before layering with sunscreen.

Is it better to apply polyglutamic acid to damp skin? Why/why not.

I suggest you apply polyglutamic acid on damp or wet skin for these products ingredients to easily absorb moisture and prevent skin dehydration.

Are there any ingredients to never mix with polyglutamic acid?

I strongly advise against mixing polyglutamic acid wit retinol or ascorbic acid as it can increase skin sensitivity to the sun, and irritations.

Is there anyone who should avoid polyglutamic acid?

Polyglutamic acid can be used by people of all skin types. for people with sensitive skin testing the ingredient is essential to prevent any harmful effects.

What skin types/concerns is polyglutamic acid best for?

Individuals with dry skin conditions tend to benefit more from this ingredient as it enhances in hydration and moisture.

Crystal Kadir

MS, Durham University

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