Can Aloe Vera Juice Help Clear Skin and Aid Weight Loss

Can Aloe Vera Juice Help Clear Skin and Aid Weight Loss?

As a nutritionist, I can confirm the aloe vera trend on TikTok is very true. Yes, aloe vera juice can give you clear skin and help you shed pounds. All these benefits stem from a balanced gut. Normally, aloe vera is high in enzymes amylase and lipase. The two are involved in converting sugars, fats, and starches into useful energy, clearing your gut, and improving its functionality and balance.

So, What Does This Have to Do with Clear Skin?

You see, a clean, well-functioning gut helps the body flush out toxins. If your gut is not happy, the body reabsorbs more than 40 % of these toxins through your bloodstream and tries to flush them out through your skin. This gives birth to various skin conditions, including acne, boils, and cystic eruptions.

What About Weight Loss?

One of the major causes of weight gain is undigested rotting food in your GI tract. If your gut is well-functioning and balanced, it can help clear the undigested putrefying food, encouraging weight loss.

Crystal Kadir

MS, Durham University

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