CBD gummies make a good alternative for enjoying CBD since they mask the aftertaste of CBD oil. However, studies are ongoing to determine if they can help with the pain. So far, existing studies on them have focused on their ingestion and toxicity.

CBD gummies are many people’s go-for options since they are easy to move around with and reduce the clumsiness of CBD oils and tinctures. Although that’s not enough, the gummies come in various shapes, flavors, compositions, and sugar content, presenting the user with many options. Meanwhile, the hype around CBD oil is picking up every other day, and many people believe that it could help them manage their pain. Should you take CBD gummies for pain? Will they relieve the pain? What are some reminders to have in mind if you opt for CBD gummies for pain? This article is your informant, and it helps you know everything about CBD gummies and pain.

What Are CBD Gummies?

CBD is a chemical substance and one of the cannabinoids naturally found in nature. Cannabinoids are compounds in hemp, marijuana, and many other cannabis plant strains. CBD gummies are CBD-infused sweets in various shapes, flavors, strengths, and colors. They are available in three formulations, based on the CBD content, as follows;

Full-spectrum CBD Gummies

They comprise CBD, the psychoactive THC, terpenes, flavonoids, and additional cannabinoids. Because of the multiple compounds, full-spectrum CBD gummies are linked to a full entourage effect.

Broad-spectrum CBD Gummies

These gummies make a suitable alternative for CBD enthusiasts who want to enjoy the full entourage effect but want nothing to do with THC. They have as many compounds as full-spectrum CBD, but they lack the psychoactive THC.

Isolate-based CBD Gummies

Isolates have pure CBD and feature no additional cannabinoids, terpenes, or flavonoids. Although they are not linked to a full entourage effect, they are ideal for those starting on CBD who want it as plain as possible without other compounds.

Why Do People Like CBD Gummies?

With gummies, you need not get clumsy as you would with CBD oil and tinctures. Besides, they are easy to carry on the go when traveling, and all you have to do is wrap a few gummies you need for the day or the whole jar if you like. What’s more, with gummies, you don’t have to err with dosages. The CBD gummies have their potencies indicated on the jar, and all you have to do is divide the gummies or take several, depending on your target CBD for the day. If that’s not enough, you can have your CBD gummies everywhere, provided your state considers CBD gummies legal. However, you need to get a location and sit comfortably before taking CBD oils or tinctures. CBD gummies also do not taste bitter or earthy like CBD oils and tinctures. Consequently, they make an ideal alternative for those who gate on the CBD’s aftertaste and want something with which to mask the taste and still benefit from the cannabinoid. Because of these reasons, people like CBD gummies, and we do not expect the trend to shift any soon.

Can CBD Gummies Treat Pain?

Although gummies taste well and offer CBD users many options from which to choose, they are not mainly taken for their taste. Instead, most people opting for CBD gummies have an underlying condition that they may be trying to manage with the gummies since it is said to help with the pain. Still, you might wonder whether CBD gummies might help with the pain. There are no studies on CBD gummies for pain, and the existing research focuses on other CBD deliverable methods, including oils and gels for pain. For instance, Capano et al. (2016) noted that CBD oil promises to help with reducing chronic pain. Since CBD gummies also comprise CBD, we can assume that they might help with the pain. There is a need for further studies to uphold these claims before recommending CBD gummies for any pain.

Is It Possible to Take Too Much CBD Gummies?

The CBD arena is largely unregulated. The FDA has not recommended any dosages in which one should take CBD gummies; you may reasonably ask how many gummies are too many? It largely depends on the potency of the gummies; you might take one gummy with a 50 mg CBD potency and be good to go. However, if you take 12.5 mg gummies, you might need up to 4 gummies to meet your daily CBD needs. Besides, a person’s body chemistry also comes to play in determining the limit for CBD gummies. For instance, you might be well at home with a total of 100 mg CBD in gummies, but another CBD user might need only 25 mg to feel the effects. You only need to use CBD gummies while recording how the body responds to how many gummies you can comfortably sustain.

What Happens If You Take Too Many CBD Gummies for Pain?

While there are no recommended dosages for CBD gummies, there is a certain limit every person can sustain, which you can only determine by taking the gummies. Taking too many gummies beyond what your body can comfortably contain, Bass & Linz (2020) noted. The study noted that a 56-year-old without a medical history of a known condition ingested two packets of CBD gummies with 370 mg CBD. He was vomiting and had slurred speech, but he recovered after a day after consistent stimulation and oxygen supply. It shows that too many CBD gummies can be harmful.


There are currently no studies on CBD gummies for pain, but one documented case of toxicity when a man took too many CBD gummies for his back pain. Still, studies show that CBD oil might reduce pain, but we need more studies before recommending CBD or its gummies for pain. If you choose to try CBD gummies for pain, contact your doctor and take lower dosages until you determine how many gummies are good for your body.


Bass, J., & Linz, D. R. (2020). A case of toxicity from cannabidiol gummy ingestion. Cureus12(4).

Capano, A., Weaver, R., & Burkman, E. (2020). Evaluation of the effects of CBD hemp extract on opioid use and quality of life indicators in chronic pain patients: a prospective cohort study. Postgraduate medicine132(1), 56-61.

Julia Davis

Mental health expert
MS, University of Latvia

I am deeply convinced that each patient needs a unique, individual approach. Therefore, I use different psychotherapy methods in my work. During my studies, I discovered an in-depth interest in people as a whole and the belief in the inseparability of mind and body, and the importance of emotional health in physical health. In my spare time, I enjoy reading (a big fan of thrillers) and going on hikes.

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