Wrinkles are a major sign of skin aging. This can be due to exposure to sunlight and UV light, stress, pollution, and an unhealthful diet. When one is 20 years of age, the skin becomes less elastic. Also, there is less production of collagen and elastin, which makes the skin thinner and more delicate. Combine this with less oil production; the skin can appear older than the age because of wrinkles, sagging skin, larger pores, and fine lines. Aging is inevitable, but some things can be done to prevent premature aging. This article will explain how CBD oil helps in preventing premature aging.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in cannabis plants like the hemp plant. Hemp plants grown for CBD production must be grown organically and are non-GMO. The hemp plants are mainly grown in Colorado, Kentucky, and Vermont, USA states. There are two methods used in CBD extraction; the CO2 extraction method and the Solvent extraction method. CO2 extraction involves the use of supercritical CO2 as a solvent. The supercritical CO2 is pumped into a chamber containing dry hemp plant materials. After extraction, the chamber is heated up to remove CO2 into another chamber. The extracted CBD has impurities like fats and wax, which will be removed by distillation.

In solvent extraction, alcohol is used as a solvent. The common alcohols used are butane and ethanol. The alcohol is pumped into a chamber with dry hemp plant materials, where extraction occurs. The extracted CBD in this method is of high quality. The chamber is heated up to eliminate the alcohol. This method can be dangerous because alcohol is very flammable. One can also extract CBD at home by using olive oil as a solvent, but the olive oil remains in the extracted CBD as an impurity.

Once extracted, CBD is processed to three CBD bases for CBD oil. Full-spectrum CBD, broad-spectrum CBD, and isolate CBD. The full spectrum has all the plant terpenes, including THC. The broad-spectrum has all the plant terpenes except the THC. The isolate CBD has pure CBD. CBD products do not cause a high effect like marijuana because of low THC. THC is the main compound in marijuana that causes a high effect when marijuana is taken. The CBD is mixed with a carrier oil to make CBD oil. The carrier oil is used to preserve the CBD and make it easy to digest. The common carrier oils are MCT oil, avocado oil, hemp seed oil, olive oil, and coconut oil. Some CBD oils may have more than one carrier oil. The common ingredients in a CBD oil cream are coconut oil, shea butter, aloe vera gel, mango butter, vitamin E, lavender essential oil, sunflower oil, and lemon peel extract to add scent.

How Does CBD Oil Work As Anti-Aging Cream?

CBD Oil is An Antioxidant

According to Hampson, et al. (1998), CBD has been found to have more antioxidants than vitamin C and E. the antioxidants help reduce free radicals throughout the body, including the collagen fibers. CBD antioxidants also fight harmful byproducts like toxins. When there are reduced toxins, the skin can repair itself easily.

CBD Oil Helps Fight Inflammation

A research done by Wang, et al.(2020), shows that the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD help in treating skin inflammation, reducing redness, and relaxing the skin, thus making skin damage like wrinkles less visible. The fatty acid Omega 3 in CBD oil moisturizes the skin. Eczema and psoriasis are treated topically because of the anti-inflammatory effect of CBD.

Encourages Sebum Production

Studies conducted by  Oláh, Attila, et al (2014) shows that sebum is the oily or waxy substance produced by sebaceous glands to coat, moisturize and protect the skin. Taking CBD oil will regulate the oil glands for the correct level of sebum production. Optimal sebum results in smoother, supple, and less sensitive skin.

Helps In Soothing Sensitive Skin

CBD oil can help to boast notable skin normalizing, calming, soothing benefits. This can help minimize skin sensitivity like redness and environmental stressors like UV light exposure. CBD oil can also help in anti-aging by reducing stress. This means less cortisol production; cortisol increases skin issues. Wrinkles can be enhanced due to chronic pain. Using CBD to treat pain will help in relaxing the facial muscles. Quality sleep also improves skin health.

How to Take CBD Oil for Skin Health

CBD Oil As Topicals

This is applying CBD oil directly on the skin and massaging that area until the oil is completely absorbed into the skin. This type of CBD comes in skin creams, body lotion, and gels. This is the most effective method because CBD oil is directly absorbed into the skin glands.

CBD Oil As Tincture

This involves adding a few drops of CBD oil to the sublingual part of the mouth. The tissues there absorb the oil into the bloodstream. This is best when taking CBD oil for stress or sleep, other main causes of earlier aging.

Inhalation And Ingestion

Inhalation involves taking CBD oil through the nose, and absorption occurs in the lungs. This method uses vapes and sprays. Ingestion, on the contrary, is taking CBD oil with meals and drinks; thus, CBD oil undergoes metabolism before it is absorbed into the bloodstream.


Taking care of the skin is equally important as other body organs. Much of the skin damage is done by external factors within, like putting on sunscreen to protect the skin from UV light. The best part of using CBD oil as an anti-aging cream is easy to use. Also, reducing stress and having a better sleep will help to reduce wrinkles and earlier aging.


Hampson, A. J., Grimaldi, M., Axelrod, J., & Wink, D. (1998). Cannabidiol And (−) Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Are Neuroprotective Antioxidants. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 95(14), 8268-8273.


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(2020). In Search OfPreventative Strategies: Novel Anti-Inflammatory High-CBD Cannabis

Sativa Extracts Modulate ACE2 Expression In COVID-19 Gateway Tissues.

Mental health expert
MS, University of Latvia

I am deeply convinced that each patient needs a unique, individual approach. Therefore, I use different psychotherapy methods in my work. During my studies, I discovered an in-depth interest in people as a whole and the belief in the inseparability of mind and body, and the importance of emotional health in physical health. In my spare time, I enjoy reading (a big fan of thrillers) and going on hikes.

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