Taking CBD may result in the sense of uplifting or a bit of sleep. However, CBD will less likely make you feel high unless you take CBD with high THC levels.

Since its legalization in 2018, CBD has been the talk of the town, where the cannabinoid is touted as safe and good for everything. People use CBD for many things, including getting sleep, resolving pains, and fighting anxiety, even though there is not enough scientific evidence to prove that CBD is efficacious for these claims. As much as many people have embraced CBD, others have reservation about it, wondering how it makes a person feel. The cannabinoid has been mistaken for making someone feel high for a long time. This article looks at whether CBD can indeed make you high and goes beyond to look at the real feeling that comes with taking CBD products.

Understanding CBD

It is a chemical substance in cannabis plants and one of the active compounds called cannabinoids. Even though CBD is often misunderstood for THC, the two are different and are like on two different sides of the road. CBD lacks the ‘high’ effect and does not have the psychoactive properties of THC. You can enjoy CBD in edibles (gummies, tablets, and mints), tinctures & oils, topicals (serums, shampoos, lotions, and massage oils), capsules & softgels, and vapes (vape cartridges and vape pens/tanks).



Types of CBD

There are at least three types of CBD, including;

  1. Full-spectrum CBD; has CBD, the psychoactive THC, terpenes, flavonoids, and additional cannabinoids, such as CBC, CBN, CBT, and CBG. Because of the multiple cannabinoids, it is linked to the full entourage effect.
  2. Broad-spectrum CBD; has CBD, terpenes, flavonoids, and additional cannabinoids as in full-spectrum CBD but does not have the psychoactive THC. Because of the many compounds, it is also linked to the full entourage effect.
  3. Isolate-based CBD; has CBD as the only compound from cannabis plants and lacks terpenes, flavonoids, or other cannabinoids. Isolates do not have the full entourage effect, unlike the first two options, although they also make good CBD options.

How Does CBD Make You Feel?

Whether you take CBD edibles, oils, tinctures, topicals, capsules, or vapes, the effect is the same, although the intensity may vary depending on the method and the amount of CBD a person takes. It is normal to feel a sense of uplifting after taking CBD, especially in larger dosages. However, this is not comparable to the ‘high’ or ‘stoned’ feeling of taking THC products. Taking normal dosages of CBD is related to a relaxed feeling, which Garcia et al. (1999) confirm. The study mentions that relaxation after taking CBD comes from the cannabinoid’s ability to reduce stress. Besides, Chagas et al. (2014) noted that CBD might increase sleep time. It is not uncommon to feel a bit sleepy after taking CBD products. in their study, CBD was administered to patients with Parkinson’s disease. The research findings showing relationships between CBD and sleep were published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. If melatonin is part of the ingredients in the CBD product in question, a person will more likely feel sleepy after taking it.

Will CBD Make You High?

For the most part, CBD will not make you high. If anything, it is THC that makes a person ‘high’ or ‘stoned,’ especially if taken in high amounts. However, CBD oil virtually contains no or minimal THC, hence the lack of the ‘high’ effect.

When CBD may Make You ‘High.’

Ful-spectrum CBD has the psychoactive THC as part of the cannabinoids in the full gamut it has. Normal full-spectrum CBD with less than 0.3% THC should not make you ‘high.’ However, when the amount rises, say to 0.5% or more, there is every possibility of getting ‘high’ or a little ‘stoned.’

Will CBD Isolates of Broad-Spectrum CBD Make You ‘High?’

There are three types of CBD; isolate-based, full-, and broad-spectrum CBD. While there is a possibility of getting ‘high’ with full-spectrum CBD whose THC is more than minimal, isolate-based and broad-spectrum CBD should not make you feel ‘high.’ If anything, it is THC that makes a person ‘high,’ yet the two types of CBD have no. Even if they had traces of THC, they are not significant enough to cause the ‘high’ or ‘stoned’ effect.

Is CBD Safe?

Following the hype around CBD, it is only normal to wonder how safe CBD can be. After all, people are exploring the cannabinoid, and you might want to go ahead and try it anyway. The FDA deems CBD well-tolerated and safe when taken in small amounts. However, things might be a bit different in real life. For instance, Huestis et al. (2019) noted that CBD oil might have adverse effects. According to the FDA, the possible adverse effects linked to CBD include liver damage, loss of weight, appetite loss, drowsiness, and dizziness.

The Risks of Taking CBD

There are risks linked to CBD, especially because many knowledge gaps surround CBD studies. Besides, the long-term effects of CBD have not been established, making it difficult to judge whether the cannabinoid could be tolerated well when taken for a long time. If that’s not enough, there are no recommended dosages for CBD, meaning one has to fumble through to determine his ideal dosage. One needs to consult a doctor before trying any CBD product.


Taking CBD may leave you feeling a bit uplifted or sleepy. However, the cannabinoid will not make you ‘high,’ unless it is full-spectrum CBD with high amounts of the psychoactive THC. While CBD may seem well-tolerated and safe in appropriate dosages, there are risks and possible side effects of taking the cannabinoid.


Chagas, M. H., Eckeli, A. L., Zuardi, A. W., Pena‐Pereira, M. A., Sobreira‐Neto, M. A., Sobreira, E. T., … & Crippa, J. A. S. (2014). Cannabidiol Can Improve Complex Sleep‐Related Behaviours Associated With Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behaviour Disorder In Parkinson’s Disease Patients: A Case Series. Journal Of Clinical Pharmacy And Therapeutics39(5), 564-566.

Garcia, E. E., Kimura, C., Martins, A. C., Rocha, G. O., & Nozaki, J. (1999). 50ml Natural Hemp Oil Pure Organic Essential Oil 1500mg Cbd For Relieving Body Stress Skin Care Massage Anti Anxiety Relax. Brazilian Archives Of Biology And Technology42(3), 281-290.

Huestis, M. A., Solimini, R., Pichini, S., Pacifici, R., Carlier, J., & Busardò, F. P. (2019). Cannabidiol Adverse Effects And Toxicity. Current Neuropharmacology17(10), 974-989.

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