CBD oil comes in various forms, each with its own benefits depending on individual needs. For example, CBD is available as a vape oil that can be inhaled for a quick effect or CBD oil tincture to help cope with stress or a restless night. However, taking CBD topically and orally is the most popular use of CBD oil. These two ways are completely contrary as one is utilized outside the body while the other is employed on the inside. However, they both work to create homeostasis based on your demands and usage, whether independently or jointly. Therefore, one can better decide if CBD topical versus oral CBD is good for them after understanding how these applications operate and the benefits they provide. Let’s discuss;

How Does CBD Work?

Cannabinoids are a natural approach to assist the body in maintaining homeostasis since they work with it rather than against it. CBD works by supporting the body’s endocannabinoid system and endocannabinoid levels naturally with cannabinoids contained in hemp. Keep the body working properly and maintain homeostasis by supporting its endocannabinoid levels. CBD also stops enzymes from breaking down the body’s endocannabinoids, thus allowing it  to retain more energy and function effectively on its own.

What are CBD Topicals?

To apply CBD topically means to apply a CBD oil-infused product directly to the skin, thus permitting the active chemicals to be absorbed through the epidermis and pores of the skin. Once the CBD is ingested, it interacts with the adjacent cannabinoid receptors on the skin’s sensory nerve fibers and subcutaneous tissue. CBD topical products include CBD moisturizers, salves, transdermal patches, CBD creams, and CBD balms infused with CBD-rich hemp oil. Additionally, CBD has made its way into goods like lip balms, hair care products, and even cosmetics in recent years as topicals have risen in popularity.

Although CBD is permeable to the skin, a thick application is recommended to account for the supposedly limited absorption rate. Topical CBD application  allows the cannabinoid to be absorbed directly into an affected area when applied to the skin. CBD is delivered to the exact location where it’s most needed, resulting in a quicker and more targeted onset of effects. Also, when CBD topicals are manufactured from CBD oil, they contain a wide range of nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, proteins, and fatty acids that provide nourishment, thus protecting the skin from harm caused by daily environmental exposure. Moreover, topical CBD is popular among experienced CBD users since it allows them to apply the therapeutic advantages of CBD directly where they’re needed. Since topical CBD administration is non-invasive, it’s popular among CBD starters who wish to enjoy its therapeutic benefits without ingesting it.

Oral CBD Consumption –Ingestible CBD Products

When consuming CBD orally, there are two ways to do so orally: under the tongue and through swallowing. Using the ‘under the tongue’ intake method, the CBD product is placed under the tongue and held there for 30-60 seconds. In that duration, CBD and other active components in CBD oil are absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth and delivered directly to the bloodstream.  This will cause circulation throughout the body that will interact with cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system.

In the ingestion method of intake, directly swallow the CBD product. Upon swallowing, the active elements in the CBD product, such as CBD capsules, move through the digestive system and are subsequently metabolized by the liver. Afterward, the chemicals are transported from the liver by the bloodstream around the body. Additionally, most  CBD products, including CBD capsules, CBD sprays, CBD oils, tinctures, and CBD isolate, are meant to be taken by mouth. Therefore, due to the method’s simplicity and convenience, most new and old CBD consumers prefer the oral consumption method.

Variations between Topical CBD And Ingestible CBD: Choosing The Method That’s Right For You 

There are a few key variations between topical and oral CBD consumption techniques which you should be knowledgeable  of when deciding which is best for you;

Topical CBD application allows the CBD components to interact with the cannabinoid receptors near the area of application. Moreover, since cannabinoids never enter the bloodstream, they’re perfect for targeted treatments because they let one put CBD exactly where it’s required. Also, CBD topicals are fantastic for relieving tired muscles and joints or offering much needed attention to troublesome skin regions since they offer targeted balancing effects.

When consuming CBD orally, the chemicals in the CBD product enter the bloodstream. Thus, cannabinoids can bind to cannabinoid receptors all over the body, from the brain and the central nervous system to the immune system and the peripheral organs. In addition, of the two oral CBD consumption methods, the sublingual CBD technique has a quicker natural effect than the ingestion method. CBD is released considerably more quickly to the bloodstream via the sublingual approach since it bypasses the digestive system than when you eat the components. The liver must first digest them through the ingestion method. However, note that, even though CBD ingestion may not allow as many cannabinoids to enter the bloodstream, its effects last longer than any other consumption method.


Research on CBD is fairly limited, and the therapeutic properties of CBD have no scientific backup yet, even though most CBD users have reported a successful encounter with CBD products, especially those meant to provide pain alleviation and anti-inflammation effects against certain skin conditions. Also, we look forward to more studies that will validate these claims and even unveil more and higher benefits. However, be advised to do thorough research before purchasing any CBD product. For example, acquire adequate knowledge on the potency of the CBD product by checking the ingredients label, as high potency might mean higher effects than low potency. Consider whether the other ingredients of the CBD product are organic and the environmental conditions of the cannabis plant. Some CBD extraction processes are environmentally unfriendly and might leave only traces in the end product. Therefore, a certified and genuine CBD company must always be willing to disclose such critical information. Besides, choose a CBD product and the best way to consume it depending on individual needs and intense research. Lastly, consider seeking a doctor’s advice before using any CBD product.

Mental health expert
MS, University of Latvia

I am deeply convinced that each patient needs a unique, individual approach. Therefore, I use different psychotherapy methods in my work. During my studies, I discovered an in-depth interest in people as a whole and the belief in the inseparability of mind and body, and the importance of emotional health in physical health. In my spare time, I enjoy reading (a big fan of thrillers) and going on hikes.

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