1. Please name five habits with an explanation for each and how it negatively affects your liver.

The following habits may be killing your liver without your knowledge. For example;

Poor sleeping pattern

How regular is your sleep pattern? Does it positively or negatively impact your life? Well, lack of enough sleep can hurt the liver and ruin your life quality. Researchers suggest that having regular sleep disruptions can lessen the liver’s working efficiency in processing fat resulting in fat buildup, which causes liver damage. I always tell my clients to consider sleeping between 7 and 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep to allow the body repair and work more productively.

Drinking soda

Almost all soft drinks, including soda contain too much sugar, which increases the risk of body inflammation. Even studies suggest that excessive consumption of soft drinks can lead to non-alcoholic liver disease.

Excessive intake of supplements

Supplements are meant to supply the body with the nutrients it does not receive in the required quantities. But before taking any, I always emphasize on consulting a doctor for guidance. Habitually taking supplements can ruin your liver. Instead of supplements, why can’t you eat a healthy and well balanced diet, including plant-based foods, lean proteins, and dairy?

Excessive alcohol

Did you know that high alcohol amounts, especially for regular drinkers can lead to irreversible liver impairment? Alcohol possibly alters the liver’s function in flushing out toxins, and the consequences of wastes buildup is unhealthy. I always advise on moderation to reduce the problems related.

Too much sugar

Most people mainly relate sugar to oral health, but have little information on ho dangerous it can be to their liver. Basically, the liver processes sugar, specifically fructose into fat. That means if the sugar is in excess, more fat will be created leading to liver issues, which could resembles the ones caused by alcohol intake.

2. What are ways to keep our liver healthy?

I recommend the following;

Reduce alcohol intake

Too much alcohol intake can cause liver cirrhosis. Taking more than a bottle per day could be the beginning of scarring your liver.

Regular exercise

Frequent exercise helps remove wastes from the body, such as, through sweating. It also increases efficiency in the working of body organs, including the liver.

Anastasia Filipenko

Anastasia Filipenko is a health and wellness psychologist, dermatolist and a freelance writer. She frequently covers beauty and skincare, food trends and nutrition, health and fitness and relationships. When she's not trying out new skincare products, you'll find her taking a cycling class, doing yoga, reading in the park, or trying a new recipe.

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