
Mango is a popular fruit with incredible health benefits. It can be eaten raw or ripe. It can also be blended into juice or used to make processed juice. Still, mango will deliver its nutrients for your health.

Mango, scientifically called Mangifera indica, is considered “king of fruits” in some parts of the world. Mango is botanically a drupe, or stone fruit since it has a large seed at the center. It gets its roots back in India and Southeast Asia, and has been in use for over four millennia. There are numerous varieties of mango with different taste, color, shape, and size. This fruit is high in beneficial nutrients and highly delicious. This article explains how eating mango can benefit your health.

1.      High In Beneficial Nutrients

Mango is a nutrient-dense food as it is low in calories and high in important nutrients. As per the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) database, one cup of sliced mango weighing 165 g, contains 99 calories, 1.4 g of protein, 24.7 g of carbs, 0.6 g of fat, 2.6 g of dietary fiber, 67 percent of the daily value (DV) for vitamin C, 20 percent of the DV for folate, 11.6 of the DV percent for vitamin B6, 10 percent of the DV for vitamin A, 9.7 percent of the DV for vitamin E, 6.5 of the DV percent for vitamin B5, 6 percent of the DV for vitamin K, 7 percent of the DV for niacin, 6 percent of the DV for potassium, 5 percent of the DV for riboflavin, 4.5 percent of the DV for manganese, 4 percent of the DV for thiamine, and 4 percent of the DV for magnesium. Additionally, mango contains decent amounts of pantothenic acid, phosphorus, selenium, iron, and calcium. Vitamin C in mango, is a water-soluble vitamin and is important for the absorption of iron, improved immune system, as well as growth and repair.

2.      Packed with Antioxidants

Mango is high in polyphenols, which is a powerful compound found in plant and acts as antioxidants. According to Wiley Online Library, there are over twelve types of these polyphenol antioxidants, including quercetin, mangiferin, anthocyanin, catechins, rhamnetin, kaempferol, and benzoic acid among others. Antioxidants are useful for your health as they neutralize free radicals and reduces their damages. Free radicals are produced as byproducts during metabolism and can damage your cells by binding to them. Such damages caused by free radicals has been linked to chronic diseases, such as heart disease and inflammation. Studies have found that of all the polyphenols, mangiferin is the most powerful and some scientist even call it ‘super antioxidant.’ This particular polyphenol antioxidant can reduce the risk of certain cancers, diabetes, and other chronic polyphenols.

3.      May Improve Immune System

Mango is loaded with important nutrients that can help boost your immunity. 65 g of mango provides up to 10 percent of daily value for vitamin A. Apart from preserving eyesight, vitamin A strengthens your immune system and prevents several infections. Several studies indicate that a deficiency of vitamin A can greatly increase your risk of infections. On top of this, mango provides nearly 75 percent of your daily vitamin C needs. This crucial vitamin is important for increased production of mature white blood cells, improve their function, and protecting your skin from diseases. Other nutrients of health importance found in mango, include vitamin K, folate, vitamin E, and an array of B vitamins.

4.      May Support Heart Health

Heart disease has claimed many lives all over the world. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, it is the leading cause of death worldwide. Eating foods like mango, which contain beneficial nutrients may support heart health. For example, mango provides magnesium and potassium in decent amounts, minerals which are important for a regulated pulse rate, relaxed blood vessels, and checked blood pressure levels. Mango also contains a powerful antioxidant called mangiferin. Animal studies suggest that mangiferin may protect your cells against oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and initiate apoptosis – controlled death of cancer cells. Additionally, mangiferin may help lower other markers of heart disease, such as triglycerides, cholesterol, and free fatty acids in the blood. Though these findings are promising, they are only limited to animal and test-tube studies. More human studies should be done to recommend the use of mangiferin in treating heart disease.

5.      May Improve Digestive Health

There are several reasons why mango can improve your digestive health. First, mango is loaded with amylase – a digestive enzyme. In the digestive tract, digestive enzymes break down food molecules into absorbable molecules. Amylases are involved with the breakdown of carbs into simple absorbable sugars, like glucose and maltose. Amylases are abundantly found in ripe mangoes, giving them their characteristic sweetness. Second, mango is packed with fiber and plenty in water. Fiber adds bulk to your stool while water softens it, both of which can help manage digestive problems like constipation and diarrhea. Studies indicate that mango can effectively relieve constipation than supplements containing soluble fiber.

6.      May Protect Eye Health

Mango contains several nutrients that can help protect the eyes from diseases. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two antioxidants in mango associated with improved eye health. These nutrients are concentrated in the retina of your eyes, especially at the macula. Retina is the part of the eye that perceives and converts light into impulses for interpretation by the brain. While in the retina, lutein and zeaxanthin absorb excess light – shielding the eye from damage. In addition, they can prevent blue light from damaging the eye. What’s more, mangoes are loaded with vitamin A, which preserves eyesight. In the eyes, vitamin A acts rhodopsin, helping you to see at night. Studies suggest that lack of this crucial vitamin can lead to night blindness and dry eyes. In severe deficiencies, corneal scarring among other serious issues may occur.


Mango is a delicious fruit packed with several beneficial nutrients. These nutrients may include vitamin C, fiber, vitamin A, magnesium, and potassium. It also contains several antioxidants like mangiferin, lutein, and zeaxanthin. They may help improve your immune system, protect your eyes, and support heart health.

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