When is it best to set up a will?

I recommend you set up your will while still young, energetic and healthy to avoid any conflicts or disputes that might arise due to late will writing. 

There are various types of wills

Here are the most common types of will;

Simple will

Simple wills are the easiest and most popular as they involve writing down the beneficiary of your wealth or assets after following the legal formalities and can be written formally or online.

Joint will

A common type of will in lovers or spouses where they sign a conjoined agreement on the beneficiaries, testator, and executor. The terms of the will are not changeable upon death or divorce of the couple.

 Other types of will are living will, testamentary trust will, holograph, formal, military, mirror, trust, statutory wills.

How can an individual choose the right type of will for them?

I suggest you choose a will that allows you to decide on the people or type of beneficiaries, how the will is written whether oral or written, consider if you can make amendments, type or number of executors, responsibility and other major consideration that you would like to be addressed.

Can you share financial tips that could help with end-of-life planning?

I recommend you seek financial advice from experts, have people that can make reasonable financial decisions on behalf of you, insure your assets, opt for medicare and superannuation accounts.

Crystal Kadir

MS, Durham University

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