1. What changes happen to our skin in summer?

If there is a time when the skin can break out is the summer. Dead skin and dirt mostly accumulates and gets trapped on the skin surface. The skin feels oily and bulky. It is due to the warm air that increases sweating and sebum release that can block sweat pores, causing flare ups and skin break outs.

2. How can we combat these changes?

I recommend the below tips to stay safer;

Choose a great skincare regime

The summer requires use of water-based products for oily skin and gel for dry skin. Please do not forget to moisturize, cleanse, and tone your skin at least twice in a day.

Buy products with antioxidants

The skin needs antioxidants for hydration and protection against environmental radicals. You can also fill it in your meals, including eating fruits and vegetables to gain the benefits.

3.What products should we avoid in summer?

Facial scrubs

If you use face scrubs in summer, the risk of irritating and causing micro injuries and redness will rise. I recommend you avoid them because they are adding problems to the already negative factors like humidity and high temperatures.

4.Any products we should add?

Products including vitamin C and E, sunscreen, and Hyaluronic acid will serve wonderfully to your skin. You can buy a vitamin E lip care SPF product for moisturized lips.

5.What would you say the “perfect” morning skincare routine would be during the summer?

Apply a hydrating cleansing gel

Every skin type can benefit from a hydrating cleansing gel in summer. You can use it in the morning for making your skin appear vibrant despite the harsh conditions.


Buy a good toner to balance your skin’s pH and hydrate it. You can use a cotton pad or fingers.

 What are your favorite products for summer? (Disregard if you named specific products above) Thanks!

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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