Toxic Femininity

What Is “Toxic Femininity”?

We all know toxic femininity exists, right? Right! So, what is it? If you ask me, it is the women’s response to oppressive misogyny. They use this tactic to please males and throw their health and general well-being in a dustbin. Toxic femininity also refers to using female attributes to dodge responsibilities. Although the term toxic femininity has been around for decades, no one really knows its origin.

Ways Toxic Femininity Might Affect Health and Well-Being

Toxic femininity comes with layers of depression, anxiety, and exhaustion (due to the pressure to please males).

Is Toxic Femininity A Behavior/Mindset Women Engage In/Display Themselves, Or Something Other People Push on Them, Or Both?

 In my opinion, it is both. Based on the definitions above, it is safe to say oppressive misogyny pushes women to adopt toxic femininity as a survival tactic. Also, we can conclude it is a behavior or mindset women engage in for personal gain. An example of the first explanation can be being submissive to males, while the second is asking your man to do your tasks because “you are just a woman”.

Are There Any Examples of Toxic Femininity in The Media?

Remember the infamous Oscar slap? (Will Smith and Chris Rock). Some people point fingers at toxic femininity.

What Is “Benevolent Sexism”?

Benevolent sexism is a form of sexism that requires men to protect women and provide for them. Toxic femininity also dances to the same tune, especially since women see themselves as weak, requiring men to handle their tasks.

Are They There Any Nuances/Distinctions Between These Two Concepts?

Unlike benevolent sexism, toxic masculinity discourages women from holding positions of power.

Signs Of the Mindset/Behavior of Toxic Femininity

  • Exploiting men physically or emotionally because they are “stronger”
  • Body-shaming other females
  • Encouraging women to conform to their gender roles
  • Lying for personal gain and other sabotaging behavior

Impact Of Toxic Femininity on Physical Health?

Hitting and abusing a man can result in injuries.

Basic Tips on Addressing or Shifting This Behavior in Yourself

  • Stop using female attributes to avoid being responsible
  • Avoid shaming other women for choosing a certain lifestyle

If You Notice Toxic Femininity in Someone Else, How Might You Gently Call It Out in A Healthy and Helpful Way?

  • Have an open dialogue with the person about the symptoms and effects of toxic femininity
Anastasia Filipenko

Anastasia Filipenko is a health and wellness psychologist, dermatolist and a freelance writer. She frequently covers beauty and skincare, food trends and nutrition, health and fitness and relationships. When she's not trying out new skincare products, you'll find her taking a cycling class, doing yoga, reading in the park, or trying a new recipe.

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