What Is TRT And Why Is It Used

What Is TRT And Why Is It Used?

Testosterone Replacement Treatment or TRT is a hugely popular form of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) used to address testosterone deficiency, andropause, and male hypogonadism.

How Does It Change Testosterone Levels and Do You Inject It Yourself/How Does It Work?

TRT pays your testosterone debt by increasing the levels of the hormone in your body.

What are the benefits of TRT?

Boosts Your Mood

Low testosterone levels are usually tied to anxiety and nervousness. When you take the TRT, these issues evaporate, leaving you in good spirits.

Increases Your Sex Drives

Low libido is one of the consequences of low testosterone hormone. Because TRT increases your testosterone levels, there is a good chance your sex drive will climb.

Makes You Feel More Energized

It is well established that low testosterone hormone levels can make you experience a dip in your energy levels. To correct this, you can go for the TRT.

What Are the Drawbacks Of TRT?

HRT stops your body from naturally producing testosterone hormone. It also stops your testicles from producing semen and sperms. This paints a worrying picture, especially if you are not using TRT as a form of birth control.

Are Some People at Higher Risk of Having Problems with Use (Explain If So)?

Research shows that men over 45 are at a greater risk of problems with use. According to researchers, TRT makes men over 45 more susceptible to coagulation or blood clotting, which comes with its own set of issues, including stroke and heart attacks.

What Can You Expect After Going on TRT For 30 Days?

30 days-better sexual performance (both men and women)

-Healthy cholesterol levels

60 days-Reduced symptoms of depression

            -Better mood

90 days-Increased body mass, fat mass, and muscle strength

            -Healthy blood pressure levels

Can You Continue TRT Past 90 Days Safely?

Using TRT past 90 days is a great way to combat hard-to-leave issues like thinning hair or hair loss from low testosterone levels. Although the treatment might help, expect side effects.

How Long Does It Take to Get Back to Normal Sperm Count Levels and Fertility Function After Stopping TRT?

6 to 9 months

Is It Harder or Does It Take More Time If You Used TRT For 90 Days Vs 30 Days (If So, Explain)?

The longer you take TRT, the longer it can take you to get back to your normal sperm count levels and fertility function. Using TRT past 90 days can make your sperm count drop and even hit zero. This means it may take time before your spermatozoids can maintain a healthy sperm count range.

Tips For Stopping TRT And Avoiding Side Effects with Withdrawal as Well As Long-Term Side Effects?

When coming off TRT;

  • Take antidepressants, SSRIs in particular, to ease symptoms of withdrawal
  • Take medications including human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), clomiphene, tamoxifen, and anastrozole that allow your body to start producing testosterone hormone.
  • Tapper off Testosterone (gradually reducing your TRT dose). This strategy isgreat if you have been on the treatment for more than 90 days. It prevents hormonal imbalance.
Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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