How dry shampoo works

Dry shampoo is made of spray or powder. When used, it latches and sucks up the hairs’ oils. It best serves at night before sleeping. But it tends to leave a whitish residue, which can be brushed out. The powder may also be useful in absorbing oils throughout the night and the residue will be gone upon waking up.


  • It saves time because only a few quick shots and your hair is ready for styling.
  • It helps avoid wet washing the hair frequently, thus making it healthier.
  • Maintains the hair cleaner for an additional day between washing days.


  • Excessive and frequent dry shampoo use can cause clogging of hair follicles due to its buildup that may cause infections and itching.
  • Lack of washing the hair increases risk of dandruff and scaly skin due to the oils and shampoo left on the hair.

How often it should be used?

I recommend not above two days in a row because` frequent use can damage your scalp and hair.

How to pick the right formula for your hair type

Color treated hair

Here, you can use the typical white types for cooler hair tones or pastel.

Fine hair

People with fine hair can use any powder-based dry shampoo to enhance their hair’s fine tresses.

Thick hair

I recommend a formulation with less grip. You can try the dry shampoo paste, especially for people with curly hair to bring out its fineness.

Barbara Santini

Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading.

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