The early signs of dementia include;

Memory loss

People with dementia possibly forget appointments only to recall later. They may also forget and never remember things.

Language troubles

We may sometimes fail to get the right words when speaking. However, people with dementia can struggle with the simplest words. They may also use words inappropriately or disarrange phrases, making incomprehensive statements.

Poor decision making

Dementia affects the mind resulting in poor judgment and decision making. A person with dementia may find it difficult choosing the right outfits for hot or cold weather.

Julia Davis

Mental health expert
MS, University of Latvia

I am deeply convinced that each patient needs a unique, individual approach. Therefore, I use different psychotherapy methods in my work. During my studies, I discovered an in-depth interest in people as a whole and the belief in the inseparability of mind and body, and the importance of emotional health in physical health. In my spare time, I enjoy reading (a big fan of thrillers) and going on hikes.

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