Incredible Health Benefits of Mung Beans-min

Incredible Health Benefits of Mung Beans


Mung beans are increasingly becoming popular as the new legumes go-to. These small yet impressive green beans have a great nutritional profile, which is the greatest basis for their many health benefits.

Are mung beans new to you? You are not alone; many people might not know about these impressive beans yet until they tap on experts. The first thing is that they are green legumes in the class of beans, lentils, and the list goes on. If you have ever noticed sprouts in your favorite salad, that’s definitely mung beans as salads are among the many dishes mung beans suit in. soups, stir-fries, and many other cuisines also feature these legumes, which are sold as sprouts, fresh, or dried beans. Peer into this article to learn about the incredible health benefits linked to these legumes.

i.                   Mung beans boast a great nutritional profile

Health coaches, nutritionists, and dietitians often explore the nutritional profiles of various foods to appreciate them. When the nutritional profile of mung beans is explored, the legumes are found to be nutritionally rich. They have calories, proteins, carbs, fibers, vitamin B complex (B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9), selenium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron. Moreover, mung beans happen to be among the most nutritious legumes since they have many essential amino acids such as leucine, valine, lysine, arginine, and others. Phytic acid is a compound that interferes with the body’s absorption of particular nutrients such as magnesium. Sprouting mung beans helps them lower phytic acid levels and improve nutrient absorption while boosting antioxidant levels at the same time.

ii.                 Mung beans are Ayurveda-approved

Are you thinking that only traditional nutritionists cherish mung beans since the beans originated from India? No, that’s not the case. According to some reliable sources, the ancient holistic medicine practices approved mung beans, and named them among the most nutritious foods. In fact, mung beans are said to be tri-doshic, meaning that provided you cook it well and with the right ingredients and spices, all body types will find it appealing. To optimize its health benefits, you can soak it overnight to lower the levels and effects of antinutrients.

iii.               Mung beans boast of impressive antioxidants

You might have heard about free radicals and their effects. Freed radicals are molecules that originate from the environment, pollution, metabolism, or strenuous exercise. When these molecules accumulate in the body, a state known as oxidative stress is reached. This causes inflammation and increases the risk for many diseases, including heart diseases, cancer, diabetes type 2, and arthritis, among other chronic illnesses. Antioxidants can help fight free radicals and neutralize oxidative stress. Yet mung beans are among the planet’s richest sources of various antioxidants such as flavonoids, chlorophyll, cinnamic acid, and phenolic acids. Sprouted mung beans have better forms of the antioxidants than fresh ones, so they are more preferred to the latter.

iv.               Mung beans are known for cool culinary uses

If you are looking for a low-calorie and low-carb soup to enjoy and remain full for long, you certainly want to try mung beans. These are more than just broths and help a person remain satiated due to their high protein content. Besides, these legumes are packed with fibers, which is why they are better culinary ingredients. The fibers not only help you attain a feeling of fulness but also work on constipation and help you have regular bowel movements. One holistic health coach describes mung bean balls as among the best snacks that keep you on a healthy track and still leave you full for the longest time, hence no craving for unhealthy foods.

v.                 Mung beans may help reduce heart stroke

Mung beans are especially more popular in India and most Asian countries, where the beans are eaten the most during summers. This season is characterized by hightemperatures, a weather pattern that seems to increase people’s risk for heart stroke. one expert explains that because of mung beans’ anti-inflammatory properties and presence of isovitexin and vitexin antioxidants, the beans have a significant potential to reduce the risk of heart stroke and its effects such as oxidative stress. Although that sounds quite reassuring, the data used to make such conclusions were primarily from test-tube studies. There is a need for further human studies to determine to what extent mung beans might help reduce heart stroke risk.

vi.               Mung beans might reduce the risk for high blood pressure

If your blood pressure keeps shooting, chances are high that you could be suffering from heart disease, one of the world’s top killer disease that’s affecting 1 out of every 3 people in America. Mung beans are rich in useful minerals, including potassium and magnesium, which help lower blood pressure levels. In addition, the beans also have considerable amounts of fibers, which also play a role in lowering blood pressure levels.

vii.             They could be good for your digestive health

Mung beans have both soluble and insoluble fibers, both of which are quite useful for digestive health. The soluble fiber in mung beans is called pectin, and this ensures bowel movements are regulated. The insoluble resistant fiber is especially good for the gut microbiota. Such fibers keep the gut healthy and improve its ability to boost its defense mechanism. In addition, the live microorganisms in the gut convert some of the insoluble fibers to butyrate, a form of long-chain fatty acid that can reduce the risk of particular types of cancers such cancer of the colon.

viii.          Mung beans may lower cholesterol levels

High levels of cholesterols, especially the low-density cholesterols (LDL), are often linked to the increased risk of heart disease. Mung beans can help lower such high levels. This could be true since mung beans, like other legumes, are high in antioxidants, and other plant compounds studied to lower bad cholesterol levels.


Mung beans are green legumes belonging to the same class as lentils and beans. They have a rich nutritional profile consisting of fibers, carbs, proteins, antioxidants, vitamin B complex, and minerals such as selenium, magnesium, and potassium. This article has explored the impressive health benefits of the small yet great beans. They help in several ways, including solving digestive problems to lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Tatyana Dyachenko
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For the past years, Tatyana has worked as a sex blogger and a relationship advisor. She has been featured in magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue. Vice, Tatler, Vanity Fair, and many others. Since 2016, Tatyana has focused on sexology, attended various training courses, participated in international conferences and congresses. “I wish people would address sexual issues in a timely manner! Forget shyness, prejudice and feel free to see a sex doctor for help or advice!” Tanya enjoys pursuing her flare for creativity through modelling, graffiti art, astronomy, and technology.

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