How Common Are Dreams About Cheating on Your Partner, Or Your Partner Cheating on You

How Common Are Dreams About Cheating on Your Partner, Or Your Partner Cheating on You?

In 2020, Amerisleep conducted a survey involving 1000 participants. To the researchers’ surprise, 21 % of the people surveyed had dreams about cheating on their partners while 23 partners had dreamt, they were being cheated on by their sweethearts.

Does This Affect A Certain Group/Age/Gender More Than Others?)

Dreams about affairs are more common in women than men.

What Can You Do If Dreams About Cheating Affect Your Sleep (Or Daily Life), What Can You Do About Them?

As a credentialed psychologist, I suggest having an open and honest discussion about the dreams with your boo. What you dream about might not be happening in real life. For this reason, opening up and sharing with your partner can elbow out your fears and concerns. If the dreams reoccur, you may want to seek professional help. A therapist will help you know why they happen and how to move around them.

What Are 3-5 Things This Dream May Mean?

While most people think these dreams mean something is wrong in the relationship, that is not the case. Dreams about cheating might mean;

  • You are afraid to face certain things in life
  • You still don’t know how you feel or what you want
  • Your relationship lacks intimacy

What Are Some of The Most Common Misconceptions About Dreams/This Type of Dream?

Dreams Don’t Make Sense

While you might think dreams are total nonsense, they carry a special message about you and your life. Come to think of it, why did ancient civilizations believe in them?

Good Quality Sleep Allows You to Remember Your Dreams

 Guys, we experience dreams during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. For this reason, you can only remember your dreams when you wake up during or some minutes after getting out of this stage of sleep.

Crystal Kadir

MS, Durham University

The work of a family doctor includes a wide range of clinical diversity, which requires extensive knowledge and erudition from a specialist. However, I believe that the most important thing for a family doctor is to be human because the cooperation and understanding between the doctor and the patient are crucial in ensuring successful health care. On my days off, I love being in nature. Since childhood, I have been passionate about playing chess and tennis. Whenever I have time off, I enjoy traveling around the world.

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