Cannabidiol quickly becomes an alternative for people seeking medical relief from various wellness organizations. Although scientifically unverified, this hemp-based compound is believed to offer multiple remedies and benefits. CBD is typically THC-free, but it may contain trace quantities of the high-inducing compound. This means it can show up in drug tests and screening. This could compromise chances of getting a job that requires one to undergo drug testing or perhaps hinder a good parole or probation report. So how long exactly does CBD stay detectable in the human system?

Factors Determining How Long CBD Stays in the System

There is no fixed answer for how long CBD stays in a consumer’s system. Several factors influence the duration of CBD detectability in a drug test, including the method of administration, how often it is used, and the dosage administered. CBD’s presence in the system varies from person to person, depending on physical factors like weight, age, and metabolism. The dosage and frequency of use also count. CBD is stored in the fat cells, meaning it will last longer for someone with a higher BMI.

The method of administration also influences how long CBD lasts in the system and influences how it reacts with the body. The most used methods of CBD intake include oils, edibles, vape pens, supplements, and dried flowers. Smoking dried flowers or vaping CBD results in a quicker psychoactive effect, as the CBD accesses the bloodstream faster this way. Edibles and diet supplements take longer for one will wait for up to an hour to feel the effects. The kind of diet and Body Mass Index also affect how fast the effect is felt. Despite all these methods, the effects end within three hours. The CBD effects, however, last much longer. There are several types of tests to determine the presence of CBD or THC in the body. Each of these tests has varying detection windows depending on how it is administered. They include; lab, urine, blood, hair, and saliva tests.

How Long Does CBD Stay Detectable in Lab Tests and Screening?

CBD half-life can last anywhere between 18 and 32 hours. However, lab tests can detect CBD in the system for way longer. THC is the main compound in cannabis, making it the most sought component in a drug test screening. CBD may contain trace quantities of THC, hence, it may be positive in a test screening for THC. One may need to pass a drug test after using CBD, but that does not rule out the presence of THC in the consumer’s system. It could still be present, although in minimal trace amounts below detection levels. Detection levels vary depending on the purpose of the drug test. The legal THC threshold for cannabis products is 0.3%. The type of drug tested can also determine if it is detectable, depending on the time lapse since the last CBD intake. Most CBD products do not undergo FDA regulations, meaning the CBD product could contain other compounds that make it more detectable. Frequent use of cannabis-related products could increase the detection period.

CBD Detection Window in Urine Tests

The urine test is the most widely used drug testing method, especially in job recruitments and evaluations. How long CBD is detectable in urine tests varies based on different factors. These factors mainly include the dosage, frequency of using the product, and the time-lapse between the drug test and the last intake. THC traces in an individual’s fat cells can be detected in a urine test from 3 to 14 days (or slightly more) after your last intake. This is influenced majorly by the dosage and frequency of intake.

CBD Detection Window in Hair Tests

Hair tests have the longest detection window for CBD-based THC traces, lasting for up to three months after the last intake. However, they are not commonly used as compared to urine tests. Hair tests may be conducted under rare circumstances, such as long-term investigations and research tests that require more long-term evidence of THC present in the system.

CBD Detection Window in Blood Tests

Blood tests can also screen for CBD-based THC components in the system. However, they are not as popular as urine tests, as they are much less effective. The bloodstream typically gets rid of THC within five hours from intake. This makes it only useful for immediate purposes. THC metabolites from CBD intake can be detected for more than a week. That is why most employers and authorities prefer urine tests to blood tests that administer drug screening tests.

CBD Detection Window in Saliva Tests

Saliva tests, like hair tests, are very uncommon. Most employers and legal authorities do not use this method to screen for THC or CBD in the system. THC can show up in a saliva test almost immediately after intake, and traces remain detectable for as long as 36 hours afterward. This can be dictated by how frequently you use it and the amount consumed in a single dose. More frequent consumption and heavier dosage mean a longer detection window with this test and several other screening methods.


CBD oil can be a good health supplement or booster that works well with the human body. However, trace amounts of THC found in CBD oils may implicate an individual for substance abuse when required to take a drug test for legal or employment reasons. Several factors influence the detection levels and durations of CBD in the body, including the frequency of use, the dosage potency, and the time-lapse since last use. To avoid failing random drug tests, try keeping your CBD intake as minimal as possible. Try lighter doses and cut back on the frequency of CBD oil consumption. Make sure all the CBD oils and other products fall within the legal THC limit of  0.3% or go for CBD products that are THC-free.

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