Are sexless marriages healthy?

A sexless marriage can be healthy depending on the situation. If for example both partners are asexual then a sexless marriage can work very well for both people involved. If however both or one of the partners would still like to be having sex that’s when problem can arise. 

When should you walk away from a sexless marriage if you’re not happy with it?

Before you walk away from a sexless marriage you really should discuss the situation with your partner first. It won’t be an easy conversation to have but it does need to be done. Find a time when you’re both fairly relaxed to discuss the problem. Try to find out why you’re no longer having sex. Is it something that you can both work on? Is it down to a medical issue that could be resolved with medication or treatment? Finding the route cause of the lack of sex can then help you to both work on a solution.

If you find the conversation too difficult consider going to a couplers counsellor to help you through the process.

What are some alternatives for those facing cellibacy in their marriage who don’t want to be? Before you begin to try to fix the problem you have to understand what the problem is. You need to discuss it with your partner. If it’s down to boredom with sex then you can spice things up by trying new things. If it’s down to a medical issue then work on getting that sorted first. If you are too tired or stressed work on improving your self-care routine.

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