What Does It Mean to Be Heteroflexible

What Does It Mean to Be “Heteroflexible”?

Heteroflexible refers to when someone is straight but also flexible towards same-gender attraction and sex.

Can You Give Some Real-Life Examples of What This Might Look Like?

A heteroflexible man might engage in relationships or have sexwith women and nonbinary folks but also flexible towards same-sex relationships and sexual encounters. Also, a heteroflexible woman might be dating and having sex with men but also open to same-gender attraction and sex.

What’s The Difference Between Being Heteroflexible and Bisexual?

While the terms heteroflexible and bisexual describe being attracted to both men and women, as a sex expert, I think there is a difference between them. The key difference is that heteroflexible folks are mostly straight but choose to have sex or engage in relationships with people of their gender.

Why Is the Term Somewhat Controversial?

The term heteroflexible is somewhat controversial because most people don’t buy the idea that you can be attracted to more than one gender. For this reason, heterosexuality cannot be flexible. Another reason is that people believe heteroflexible, bisexual, and pansexual is the same.

What Are Some Signs You May Be Heteroflexible?

  • You are mostly heterosexual, but you are open to same-sex experiences
  • You are neither bisexual nor queer
  •  You are straight but feel like your love or sex life will be incomplete without same-gender relationships or sex

Are There Any Resources You’d Recommend for Someone Who Thinks They May Be Heteroflexible, And Wants to Learn More or Just Explore Their Sexuality Further?

If you think you are heteroflexible, look for a queer therapist. They will help you explore your sexuality further.

Anastasia Filipenko

Anastasia Filipenko is a health and wellness psychologist, dermatolist and a freelance writer. She frequently covers beauty and skincare, food trends and nutrition, health and fitness and relationships. When she's not trying out new skincare products, you'll find her taking a cycling class, doing yoga, reading in the park, or trying a new recipe.

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