Interpersonal Therapy

What Is Interpersonal Therapy?

Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is a short-term psychotherapy that alleviates mood disorders by improving your social and interpersonal interactions. Developed by Gerald L. Klerman and Myrna M. Weissman, ITP was initially used to address depression. Today, it is used to treat a variety of issues, from anxiety to bipolar disease and eating disorders to dysthymia.

Are There Different Types of Interpersonal Therapy?

There are two types of interpersonal therapy; dynamic interpersonal therapy and metacognitive interpersonal therapy. The former allows you to understand your emotional health as well as other people’s emotional health, while the latter helps you move around personality disorders by understanding your emotions.

How Does It Work?

Interpersonal therapy was developed to address depression by improving your social and interpersonal connections.For this reason, your therapist will be devoted to improving your interpersonal understanding using guided imagery and re-scripting, role-playing, bodily work, mindfulness, and cognitive restructuring.

How Long Does It Last?

Interpersonal therapy can last between 12-16 weeks. Treatment happens in three phases; formulation phase (1 to 3 sessions), middle phase (4 to 14 sessions) and graduation phase (15 to 16 sessions).

What Are Some of The Main Techniques?

Bodily Work

In this technique, your therapists recommend exercises including grounding, breath control, and physical training. These exercises can boost your physical and mental well-being, dragging you away from dangerous interpersonal patterns.

Guided Imagery

For guided imagery, your therapist exposes you to a disturbing past event. Once they do, they will ask you to imagine how you will behave or react if it repeats in the future.

How Does Interpersonal Therapy Help Improve Depression Symptoms?

Interpersonal Therapy improves depressive symptoms by strengthening your relations (social and interpersonal).

What Other Conditions or Emotional Distress Can It Help Treat?


Interpersonal therapy allows you to understand the relationship between your thoughts and anxiety symptoms. This makes it easy for you develop coping strategies.

Bipolar Disease

Interpersonal therapy keeps the circadian system in good form by improving social rhythms. This reduces the chances of relapse in people with bipolar disease.

Is There Anything to Keep in Mind When Deciding Whether This Approach Might Be a Good Fit (Or Not) For You?

Interpersonal therapy mostly works for patients who see their contribution to relationship problems causing their mental health disorders.

Who Might It Not Be a Good Fit For?

People who do not see their contribution to relationship difficulties causing their mental health issues.

How Can You Find a Therapist Who Offers IPT?

Use the online directory of the IPT institute.

Does Insurance Typically Cover Interpersonal Therapy?

Not all insurance plans cover interpersonal therapy. For this reason, you may want to be sure if your plan covers interpersonal therapy before proceeding with treatment.

Crystal Kadir

MS, Durham University

The work of a family doctor includes a wide range of clinical diversity, which requires extensive knowledge and erudition from a specialist. However, I believe that the most important thing for a family doctor is to be human because the cooperation and understanding between the doctor and the patient are crucial in ensuring successful health care. On my days off, I love being in nature. Since childhood, I have been passionate about playing chess and tennis. Whenever I have time off, I enjoy traveling around the world.

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