
Some people don’t exercise, but at one point in their life, situations may demand that they must exercise. Many people, however, are engaged in regular exercise. This has seen them experiencing numerous health benefits.

Exercise is typically any range of movement you impose on your muscles and joints with the aim of burning calories. So far, there are different types of physical activities such as walking, swimming, jogging, dancing, stretching, and many more. All these exercises help your body in many ways, physically and mentally. It’s like physical activity is the first step to being healthy alongside a clean diet. This explains why healthcare providers recommend any form of exercise for their clients. This article will discuss how engaging in regular exercise can benefit your health.

1.      It Boosts Your Mood

Many people feel much happier after an exercise or during the period of exercise. Scientists have indicated that exercise can help boost your mood and combat the feeling of depression, stress, and anxiety. This is because exercises bring some changes to your brain, thus regulating stress and anxiety. Exercise can also stimulate your brain to be more sensitive to hormones norepinephrine and serotonin. These are the hormones that lower your feelings of depression. Speaking of hormones, exercise can also relieve the pain by stimulating your body to produce more endorphins. It doesn’t require you to exercise intensely to improve your mood. Studies show that your brain can benefit even from the slightest exercise.

2.      It Can Promote Weight Loss

Many people exercise with different goals, including building muscles, gaining strength, or having the desired shape. Some also work out because the doctor has said so, intending to fix a medical condition. However, the majority of people exercise to lose weight. Several studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle or physical inactivity is the leading risk factor for obesity and weight gain.

There is a direct link between exercise and loss of weight. The more you work out, the more energy you spend. Usually, your body dispenses energy for digestion of food, exercise, or keeping physiological functions going like breathing. While dieting has been shown to help with weight reduction, it somehow slows your metabolic rate, delaying weight loss. On the contrary, working out regularly puts your metabolic rate at its peak, which burns more calories, hence weight loss. To maximally benefit from the effects of exercise on weight loss, you can add aerobics twice or thrice a week.

3.      It Strengthens Your Bones and Muscles

The exercise engages your muscle and bones more, and it is very important in building and maintaining their strength. You can increase muscle mass significantly when you pair weightlifting and enough protein intake. This is true because when you exercise, your body is stimulated to produce more hormones that promote the absorption of amino acids. Ultimately, your muscles grow, and their breakdown is reduced.

Aging comes with more problems like loss of muscle mass and an increased risk of fracture. However, engaging in regular physical activities is important in strengthening your bones and reducing muscle wasting. Additionally, exercising regularly increases bone density, something which reduces your risk of osteoporosis.

4.      Can Increase Energy Levels

Apart from exercise burning more calories, it can help boost your energy levels, especially for those people who are bedridden or with a medical condition. Evidence suggests that regular exercise can reduce fatigue significantly in people with persistent fatigue. People with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) can also benefit from regular exercise, which increases their energy levels. Studies indicate that regular exercise can be more effective at treating CFS than any other mode of treatment like passive therapies.

5.      Exercise Can Lower Your Risk of Chronic Disease

Chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes can be managed partially with regular exercise. Exercising regularly can help improve your body composition, cardiac health, and insulin sensitivity. Evidence also suggests that exercise can lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. On the contrary, lack of physical activity can lead to the accumulation of fats especially, in the belly, which can increase your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. That is why many people who want to reduce their belly fats, engage in regular physical activity.

6.      It Can Improve Skin Health

Oxidative stress due to the accumulation free of radicals can damage your skin. Free radicals are unstable and toxic molecules your body produces during metabolism. When they accumulate to the levels that outnumber antioxidants, oxidative state sets in. This causes cellular damages and can lead to several chronic diseases like cancer.

While too intense and exhaustive exercise can promote oxidative damage, engaging in regular and moderate physical activity can stimulate your body to produce more antioxidants and protect your cells. Similarly, regular exercise increases blood flow and stimulates skin cells to adapt, something which can make your skin appear radiant even when aging.

7.      It Can Improve Brain Health and Memory

Regular exercise can improve brain functionality, thinking, and memory capacity. To understand this, you need to know that exercise increases heart rate, increases blood and oxygen supply to your brain. It also promotes the growth of brain cells by increasing the production of hormones responsible for the same. Evidence suggests that exercise can promote the growth of the hippocampus – part of the brain responsible for memory and learning. The effects of exercise to reduce the risks of chronic diseases can also help your brain since it also suffers from the complications of these diseases.

8.      It Can Promote Relaxation and Improve Sleep Quality

Studies indicate that regular exercise can promote relaxation and make you sleep better. Speaking of sleep quality, there is more energy expenditure during exercise, which stimulates healing processes when you sleep. Evidence suggests that regular exercise can reduce sleep latency and insomnia.

9.      It Can Promote Better Sex

Studies indicate that exercise can boost libido. Flexibility, improved blood circulation, and toned muscles – all that comes with exercise – can promote the frequency of sexual intercourse. It can also increase libido and sexual desire in postmenopausal women.


Regular exercise helps people build muscle, gain strength, and fix a medical problem. Experts say that exercise can promote weight loss, better sex life, and improve sleep quality. You can mix aerobics and resistance training to benefit maximally from regular exercise.

Tatyana Dyachenko
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For the past years, Tatyana has worked as a sex blogger and a relationship advisor. She has been featured in magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Teen Vogue. Vice, Tatler, Vanity Fair, and many others. Since 2016, Tatyana has focused on sexology, attended various training courses, participated in international conferences and congresses. “I wish people would address sexual issues in a timely manner! Forget shyness, prejudice and feel free to see a sex doctor for help or advice!” Tanya enjoys pursuing her flare for creativity through modelling, graffiti art, astronomy, and technology.

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