Practice technology detox

The summer season carries several activities other than staying on your computer or watching TV. For this reason, I recommend disconnecting from your screens for a few hours in a week. You can try hiking, interact with friends, or go swimming. It helps improve your mental health and general wellness.

Consider a picnic

Summer is the time to go out in the space and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. You can change your usual regime and eat out to achieve the exposure.

Begin farming

Summer is a favorable time to help grow your food. It is good for the earth and your pockets. Moreover, producing your food is healthier. I recommend growing tomatoes or herbs on your yard or a small garden if you have one. Generally, the summer is dry and may not be favorable to the skin and body. It would help if you drink lots of water for proper hydration. I recommend sticking to the eight glasses of water rule in a day by ensuring you stay near your water bottle throughout the day.

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