Flirting with others when you’re in a committed relationship can actually be beneficial to the relationship as long as both partners are aware of the situation and it isn’t done intentionally to cause harm. Different people react to flirting in different ways so if you’re a flirtatious person then I’d recommend discussing this with your partner especially if they are the jealous or overprotective type. By talking about it you can help to relive any anxiety that they may have about you flitting with others.

There is a big difference between playful flirting and emotional or physical flitting. Playful flirting is just a bit of fun and a way to communicate with others. Emotional or physical flirting can be more serious and I wouldn’t recommend that in a committed relationship. Some people may consider flirting cheating so it’s very important to discuss that with your partner so you’re both on the same age about your relationship and what you expect from each other. Communication is the key.

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