Why Is It Important to Wear Sunscreen on A Flight

Why Is It Important to Wear Sunscreen on A Flight?

From a dermatologist’s point of view, wearing sunscreen on a flight enhances protection against the fearsomely destructive UVA rays and dangers of skin dehydration, including dryness and discomfort. Airplane windows come with polycarbonate plastic glass. In my experience, UVB rays are less likely to pass through this glass, protecting you from sunburn. However, the glass offers little protection against UVA rays, which increases the risk of skin cancers when they penetrate the skin.

Is The Sun Harmful While Flying? Is It More or Less Harmful Than Usual?

In my perspective, the sun is more harmful while flying than usual. Flying takes you closer to the ozone layer. A little-known fact is being closer to the ozone layer equals being almost six miles closer to the sun, exposing you to more powerful sun rays.

What Sunscreen Routine Do You Recommend Pre-Flight and In-Flight?

Apply a chemical exfoliant continuously a few nights before the flight. Chemical exfoliants soothe and repair the skin. With dead skin cells gone, your hydrotreaters can efficiently keep your skin in good shape in the airplane cabin, mainly holding dry air due to low humidity. Before getting on the plane, I advise you to apply serum loaded with antioxidants to enhance protection, a skincare product rich in hyaluronic acid to improve hydration, and a moisturizer to help your skin retain its natural moisture throughout the flight.

What Are the Unique Skincare Challenges During Flights?

Low humidity fills airplane cabins with dry air. This air slowly sucks natural moisture from your skin, encouraging a dehydrated complexion. Combined, dehydration and sitting at one place for a long time distrusts your body’s ability to regulate fluids, opening the door to puffy, swollen skin.

How Else Can People Care for Their Skin While Flying?

People can also take care of their skin while flying by staying hydrated. For proper hydration while flying, I highly recommend these fluids: warm water, raw honey, juice, and apple cider vinegar.

What Routine Do You Recommend for Long Flights?

First things first, set up your beauty arsenal. Place cleaning wipes or micellar water in a clear bag for easy makeup removal. For hydration, do not forget lip balm.

Cleanse Your Skin

Cleansing the skin involves removing all makeup from your skin. You can easily get this done using cleaning wipes or micellar water.

Apply Your Sleeping Mark

Sleeping masks are a great way to keep your skin in optimal shape in dry air-airplane cabins. They hydrate the skin and eliminate fine lines, keeping your skin rejuvenated throughout the flight.

Mist Your Skin

Misting helps improve skin moisturization. Your go-to-hand misting tools include facial mist, moisturizer, and water spray. For proper skin moisturization, I strongly suggest applying mist often during the flight, specifically every 2 hours.

Moisturize Your Lips

Apply and reapply your lip balm to keep your lips nourished and hydrated during the fight.

Take More Liquids

Internal hydration also helps keep your skin in optimal shape throughout the flight. Because it is usually dryer on the airplane, take lots of fluids to supplement the hydration enhanced by your cosmetics.

Charlotte Cremers
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MS, University of Tartu
Sleep specialist

Using the acquired academic and professional experience, I advise patients with various complaints about mental health - depressed mood, nervousness, lack of energy and interest, sleep disorders, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts and anxieties, difficulty concentrating, and stress. In my free time, I love to paint and go on long walks on the beach. One of my latest obsessions is sudoku – a wonderful activity to calm an unease mind.

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