What are more well-known symptoms of gluten intolerance?

The most common gluten intolerance symptoms include;

Diarrhea or constipation

Most people tend to experience digestive issues like constipation or diarrhea due to the changes in how nutrients are absorbed and the impairment of the intestinal linings.


Gluten intolerance can trigger gas buildup or make you feel full for longer, accompanied by stomach irritation.

Stomach pain

Patients with gluten intolerance tend to have abdominal pain that takes longer to fade away.

Other common symptoms include; fatigue and nausea.

What are the lesser-known symptoms of gluten intolerance?

Some less-known symptoms are headaches, confusion, anemia due to malabsorption, depression, muscle pain, and anxiety.

Can gluten intolerance cause heart palpitations or increased heart rate? If so, how and why?

Eating gluten-rich food can trigger heart palpitations or irregular and fast rates. The gluten content spikes inflammation and blood sugars which impact the heart’s functions, resulting in palpitations.

Other conditions that people might confuse symptoms of gluten intolerance for

gluten intolerance can be mistaken for celiac disease, wheat allergy, and gestational diabetes.

How can people identify gluten intolerance?

Take blood tests to determine whether you have wheat allergy reactions or celiac disease. When the health excludes the likelihood of these conditions, cut your intake of any food containing gluten, then track your symptoms whether they worsen or improve. If you notice the signs improving, you likely have gluten intolerance.

Tips to try at home

I recommend you limit or avoid foods high in gluten like; wheat, bread, barley, pasta, noodles, cereals, beers, pastries, and crackers.

Take DPP-IV enzyme supplements to improve the symptoms. Have a food diary to monitor how your body reacts after eating certain foods.

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