Elderly Parents

How To Give Advice to Elderly Parents

Give Advice When It is Requested

As a qualified psychologist, I always tell my clients to avoid advising their elderly parents unless they have requested it. Our parents advised and guided us more than a few times. For this reason, the thought of now getting advice from us may not sit well with them. I always suggest giving encouragement and support of your advice is not asked for.

Choose an Accommodating Environment

Once they request your advice, choose a noise-free or distraction-free environment for a productive conversation. Reduce the volume of the TV or radio or switch them off if they won’t add any value to your conversation. If you want to advise with your friends or other family members, place your elderly parents in the middle and sit around them.

Talk to them Gently and Clearly

You may want to avoid shouting and mumbling or talking too fast when giving advice. Your goal should be productive communication that will allow your elderly parents to take something home. Introduce your ideas one by one. What is more, use short and simple sentences.

Julia Davis

Mental health expert
MS, University of Latvia

I am deeply convinced that each patient needs a unique, individual approach. Therefore, I use different psychotherapy methods in my work. During my studies, I discovered an in-depth interest in people as a whole and the belief in the inseparability of mind and body, and the importance of emotional health in physical health. In my spare time, I enjoy reading (a big fan of thrillers) and going on hikes.

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