Inflammatory Foods

Inflammatory Foods That Cause or Worsen Bloating and Other Digestive Issues?


Beans are high in FODMAPS (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides, and polyols), carbohydrates best known for their ability to defy digestion. Due to this, FODMAPS decompose and ferment, causing flatulence, cramping, diarrhea, and even bloating, especially in irritable bowel syndrome sufferers. If you have irritable bowel syndrome, you may want to use quinoa, meat, or grains in place of beans.


 Like beans, wheat is rich in FODMAPs that cause a plethora of digestive problems. Wheat is also bad news for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. It often leaves celiac disease sufferers with stomach pain, diarrhea, or bloating. Luckily for them, there are alternatives for wheat. These include almond flour, coconut flour, pure oats, and buckwheat.


Barley is one of the high-fiber foods. Due to this, it can cause digestion problems in people who are healthy on low fiber amounts. Barley is also a major source of gluten. This screams trouble for people with gluten sensitivity. For a healthy gut, I suggest replacing barley with buckwheat, oats, brown rice, or quinoa.

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