Researchers conclude that HIIT workouts are effective for burning visceral fat and reducing calories. It involves short bursts of high intensity exercises lasting 30 seconds followed by a rest of around 15 seconds. Do this for 20- 30 minutes in one session. You can do workouts, including running on the treadmill and stationary high knees. To get a trimmed waist and tummy, do this at least thrice every week for results.


Squats strengthen and tone the lower body, including the hips, thighs, and glutes. To gain faster results, I recommend squatting at least three days ever week. The steps include;

  • Stand with legs hip width apart
  • With your chest out and back arched in, lower your hips
  • Get your hips to the knee level without compromising your back and chest
  • Return to starting position, as one rep
  • Do 12-15 reps of 3 sets


Pushups helps tone the pectoral muscles and shoulders, making them stronger. Their form maybe challenging, but beginners or people with weaker upper bodies can do the modified version to make it better and more effective. For example;

  • Start from a high plank position
  • Drop the knees on the surface
  • With arms wider than shoulder-width apart, drop your chest on the floor
  • Return to arms and knees position as one rep
  • Do 12-15 reps of 3 sets
  • Other people can follow the above steps without dropping their knees

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