1)How is alcohol connected to/potentially cause cancer?

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to various cancers because the acetaldehyde compound formed during alcohol digestion is proved to damage DNA cells in different body parts, such as, the throat, mouth, and liver.

2) The research found that heavy drinkers who reduced their drinking levels reduced cancer incidence: What is your takeaway here?

I urge heavy drinkers to increase effort in working their way out of alcohol consumption. Doing this gradually can help moderate their intake, resulting in decline of the risks. It may come with withdrawal symptoms that can be life-threatening, but I recommend talking to your doctor about the best method to help achieve your goal.

3) Do you have to abstain from alcohol completely?

Not necessarily. One or two drinks in one week lowers your risk of these cancers. You may continue to drink, but I always recommend stopping at one drink in a week for a more significant difference.

 4) Is there anything else you’d like to add? Please provide your name, full credentials, email, and professional website or LinkedIn account. Thank you!

The surest way to avoid cancers associated with drinking is abstaining from alcohol. But if you must drink, please limit yourself to a bottle or two every week to reduce the potential cancer risks involved.

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