I highly recommend the below supplements when looking to ease period pain;

Omega-3 fats

Omega-3 fats are excellent supplements for managing pain during menstruation. These fats help ease cramps, lower anxiety, bloating, and depression and increase concentration which reduces over time. Omega-3 fats can also reduce inflammation which is among the top triggers of cramping pain. Omega 3 fats are high in fatty fish like tuna, herring and salmon.

B Vitamins

B- vitamins play a huge role in lowering the pain sensations from cramps. Vitamin B1 and B3 are the best in managing intense pain and are easily sauced from foods like liver, leafy veggies, tuna, mushrooms, cereals or oatmeal.


Flavonoids comprise healthy properties in coloured veggies or fruits loaded with vitamins and other nutrients. Taking flavonoid tablets or consuming them in dietary food like green leafy veggies, oranges, carrots, tomatoes, berries, yams, and spinach can help ease PMS. 

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