Salt Substitutes

Salt Substitutes

A fascinating study published in Merk Manual shows that switching to salt substitutes is a necessary way to protect your heart. As a qualified dietician, I agree with the study/ findings becausesalt substitutes are an excellent source of contain potassium chloride, which is heart-friendly.

Why Are Salt Substitutes a Healthier Option?

Potassium chloride helps your body get rid of excess sodium through urine. It also improves the elasticity of your blood vessels, further promoting healthy blood pressure levels.

What Should People Look For/Consider When Choosing a Salt Substitute?

When buying bottled salt substitutes, you may want to consider;


Shop with a brand that offers high-quality products and values customer service.


Keep an eye on the performance, features, and affordability of the product. This ensures you get a salt substitute that meets your needs.


While most people think expensive salt substitutes are the best, that is not the case. If a low-cost salt substitute has an excellent performance, buy it.


For design, pay attention to the ingredients, color, and weight of the product. This will help you make an informed decision.

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